During the peak season of "Golden Nine Silver Ten" in China, the market activity of core cities has rebounded.The results of the calculation show that the transaction scale of new houses in first -tier cities has increased by 32%month -on -month.

China News Agency reported that Chen Wenjing, director of market research director of the middle finger research institute, said at a monthly real estate market situation analysis meeting on Saturday (October 7) that according to the agency's calculation, although the Chinese real estate market sales in September in SeptemberThe scale is still low, but the activity of the new housing market in the core city has increased.In the month, the area of new commercial housing in 100 key cities increased by about 14%month -on -month.Among them, the scale of new housing in first -tier cities increased by 32%month -on -month, and the second -tier representative cities increased by 13%month -on -month.

From the perspective of house prices, Chen Wenjing analyzed that the price of high -quality improvement projects in some cities has risen in September, and the price of new houses in Baicheng has risen from the previous month, an increase of 0.05%; second -hand housing prices are still falling channels.

Since late August, many departments and regions in China are densely adjusted and optimized in real estate -related policies.According to statistics, the frequency of real estate -related policy adjustment and optimization in September reached the highest level of a single month since the fourth quarter of last year.

Chen Wenjing divided the policies and measures that have been implemented in all parts of China into four categories: First, the policy of fully implementing the first house "house recognition and not recognizing loans" policy, and currently it is basically implemented in various cities; the other is that they have been implemented.Clarify the down payment ratio of the first and second suits to 20%and 30%, and reduce the lower limit of the two -set loan interest rate to the loan market quotation interest rate (LPR) plus 20 basis points above 5 years. In the past, 60 basis points were added to LPR.Chongqing, Shenyang, Dalian, Lanzhou and many other cities have landed in this policy.

Third is to reduce the interest rate of the first home loan.Some buyers said that their mortgage interest rates have dropped 100 basis points in one breath, and they will supply more than 1,000 yuan (about S $ 188) per month; the fourth is to optimize the purchase restriction policy.According to institutional statistics, more than 10 cities such as Dongguan, Foshan, and Shenyang have completely canceled housing restrictions; more than 10 cities including Suzhou, Tianjin, Changsha, and Hangzhou have relaxed housing restrictions on local areas, groups or housing types.

Looking for the market outlook, Chen Wenjing believes that the current real estate policies of first -tier cities are still strict and the mortgage interest rate is relatively high. In the future, real estate policy regulation may mainly reduce the first set of down payment ratios in core cities, reduce mortgage interest rates in the second home, and reduce mortgage interest rates.; The first -tier suburbs and second -tier cities are relaxed and restricted; Beijing and Shanghai optimize ordinary residential identification standards.