(Frankfurt Comprehensive News) As the European Union launched an investigation of China's electric vehicle anti -subsidy survey, China and Germany reached 25 consensus last weekend and agreed to expand the two -way market opening on the basis of fair competition.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, He Lifeng, Vice Premier of the State Council of the State Council of China, and German Finance Minister Lindna Sunday (October 1) in Frankfurt, Germany, co -hosted the third Sino -German -level financial dialogue and released on the evening of the same day.Joint Statement.

Statement stated that China and Germany are committed to strengthening the coordination of macroeconomic policy through multi -bilateral channels, jointly promoting the recovery of the world economic recovery and sustainable development, promoting the improvement of international economic governance, opposing trade protectionism, and supporting the WTO as the core.Trade system.

The two parties have reached 25 consensus, including the two parties committed to expanding the two -way market access on the basis of fair competition, deepening sustainable trade investment cooperation, and agreed to further strengthen supervision and cooperation in the banking industry and insurance industry.

In the capital market, the two parties will increase their efforts to support more enterprises to issue deposit vouchers and continuously improve the level of interconnection in the China -German capital market.

在银行业务方面,双方同意就豁免在德中资银行分行子行化监管要求开展对话,并鼓励符合条件的德国经营主体积极参与中国银行间市场,包括发行熊猫债、投资人民币债券、Participate in the inter -bank foreign exchange market.

In addition, the two countries have also proposed to solve the debt problems of low -income and middle -income countries. They will work together with other members of the G20 (G20) Group (G20) to implement the commitment in the common framework of the subsequent debt processing of the debt initiative.The Monetary Fund (IMF) remains strong cooperation.

According to Reuters, Lindona expressed high appreciation after China's promise to help relevant countries in terms of bond reorganization.He said: "China is an important country on the world's political stage. Without the participation of China, related issues will be difficult to solve."

Lindner also said that responsible trade and investment will bring more opportunities for China and Germany.

China and Germany began a Caijin dialogue since 2015. The last dialogue was held in Beijing in January 2019. This dialogue was held again for such a high -level dialogue after four years.German Finance Minister Lindner suggested after the meeting that the German -China -China high -level financial dialogue should be changed from two years to once a year.

According to the Voice of Germany, in addition to He Lifeng and Lindna, who participated in this dialogue, there were senior representatives of the German Federal Bank and the Bank of China and representatives of financial regulators.Deutsche Banks, Deutsche Stock Exchange, Allianz Insurance, and representatives of the four major banks in China also attended the conversation.