A referee from China from the Hangzhou Asian Games track and field project, hit by a chain ball thrown by athletes; after treatment, his life signs are currently stable.

综合北京青年报和环球时报报道,在星期六(9月30日)晚杭州奥体中心体育场举行的亚运会田径项目男子链球决赛当中,一名卡塔尔选手投掷链球失误,击The referee was immediately sent outside the show by the referee.

The Minister of Propaganda Department of the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee and a spokesman for the Hangzhou Asian Games, Xu Deqing Sunday (October 1), reported this matter.

According to the report, the injured referee named Huang Qinhua, which was injured by the chain ball, causing the right lower limb tibia and fibula fractures.It has been sent to the Binjiang Hospital of the Second Courtyard of Zhejiang University for further treatment.