After China announced the reduction of housing loan interest rates, the official media Economic Daily issued a document to interpret and call on buyers to treat relevant policies rationally, avoid abduction by sounds such as promotions, snapped up, and panic, and make irrational decisions.

Economic Daily on Friday (September 8th) of the Economic Daily (September 8), do not misunderstand the "reduction of mortgage interest rates", and be alert to the voice of non -rational house purchase.The asymmetry and disadvantage of the information of the buyer deliberately exaggerate the impact of the reduction in the price of mortgages on the price of the property market, spread the sound of irrational house purchase, and be vigilant and clarify the logic of facts.

The article emphasizes that the decrease in the interest rate of this mortgage is mainly for the two suits to further release the demand for improving housing. The premise of "housing does not fry" has not changed, and buyers do not need to panic.

The article also explains that the decrease in interest rates is the lower limit of national policy, rather than the "one -size -fits -all" mortgage interest rate of all cities to the national policy lower limit.That is, although the lower limit of the nation's first house interest rate policy is 4.0%, the actual interest rates of each city are very different.For example, some cities meet the conditions for "dynamic adjustment mechanism for the first house loan interest rate policy", and their first house interest rates have long been lower than 4.0%; while the demand for house purchase in some cities is strong, and its first house interest rate remains at a high level of about 4.7%.

The article bluntly stated that the policy adjustment has limited impact on front -line hot cities. At present, the interest rates of the first house and two -suite of the first -tier hotspot cities have not yet fallen significantly.Taking the Beijing area as an example, the interest rate of the first house and the two -suite is still "LPR+55 basis points above 5 years" and "LPR+105 basis points above 5 years", that is, interest rates are 4.75%and 5.25%.

The article pointed out that there are two cases of loan buyers after the policy release. One is that the first house interest rate is reduced to not lower than the original loan issuance, and the first house interest rate of the city's first house is limited;The second is that after the policy of "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans", some two -suite loans can be transferred to the first home loan, and interest rates have declined.

At the end, the article also emphasized that localities must adhere to the positioning of "housing and not frying", adapt to local conditions, implement differentiated housing credit policies, better meet rigidity, improve housing demand, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

After the first -tier cities in China fully implemented the "recognition of houses and not recognizing loans", the silent property market became lively.The Shanghai Real Estate Intermediaries worked overtime at the night of the New Deal.However, expert analysis also pointed out that the new policy will drive the short -term property market to rise, but it will have a significant effect on long -term sales and housing prices.