Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang and Australian Prime Minister Albanis met on Thursday (September 7) at the Asia Gyeenal Series Summit in Indonesia.Li Qiang urged both parties to restart and restore exchanges in various fields to promote the further improvement of the relationship; Albanis said that he will visit China later this year.

Australia and China have frictions in the political and economic fields in the past few years, including Chinese sanctions on imported products in Australia.However, after the Labor Party's Albanis took office in May last year, China has canceled import tariffs on Australian barley, and bilateral relations have gradually heated up.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang first mentioned that the leaders of the two countries reached a series of consensus last year at the G20 summit last year, stating that in the past year,Sino -Australian relations have continued to show a positive improving momentum.

He said that a healthy and stable Sino -Australian relations meet the fundamental interests and wishes of the people of the two countries; China is willing to restart and restore exchanges in various fields with the Australian side, and continue to promote mechanisms in the fields of diplomacy, economy, trade, education, and consular.Dialogue and consultation provides solid support for the improvement of the improvement of relations between the two countries.

Li Qiang also mentioned that China will continue to expand its high levels of openness to the outside world, providing a larger market for countries in the world, including Australia, hoping that Australia will adopt an objective and fair attitude towards Chinese companies in Australia.

Li Qiang also said that the two sides should properly handle differences in the spirit of mutual respect, common deposits, mutual benefit, and win -win situation, and promote the further improvement of relations between the two countries; China is also willing to work with the Australian side to maintain the peace and stability of Asia -Pacific.

Complex Reuters, Agence France -Presse, Bloomberg reported that Albanis confirmed in an interview after the meeting that he expressed to Li Qiang that he had accepted the official invitation of China and visited China at the time of time at the consent of both parties this year.Essence

This will be the first time since 2016, Australian Prime Minister has visited China.

Albanis also mentioned that he discussed with Li Qiang's remaining tariffs on Chinese wine exports, as well as consular cases and human rights issues, and talks about "constructive and positive significance."He also pointed out that the values of the two countries are not always consistent, and more dialogues are needed to improve the relationship.

Albanis said that the two countries have made progress in restoring trade unblocked, but they need more effort.He also mentioned to Li Qiang that two Australian citizens Yang Hengjun and Cheng Lei, who were detained in China, and emphasized that the Australian people "hope to see Cheng Lei reunited with their children."

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, pointed out in an interview with the United Morning Post that it can be seen from the topics that both parties concerned that restoring trade with China is the current focus of Canberra, and the purpose is to meet the domestic economic needs.

But from Australia in August, a joint military exercise with the United States, Japan, and India, and the location from the Indian Ocean, rare to move the Pacific Ocean, Wang Hongren believes that Canberra still maintains a certain distance from Beijing in strategic security.

As for Li Qiang's hopes to promote mechanism and consultation in the fields of diplomacy, economy, trade, education, consul, and other fields, Wang Hongren interpreted that Beijing's current stage is more looking forward to social levels and ease relations with Australia.

In addition, on the same day of the China -Australian Prime Minister's meeting, China and Australia held the seventh high -level dialogue in Beijing. This is the first time that the two countries have held high -level dialogue since 2020.

The seventh high-level dialogue between China and Australia was held in Beijing on the morning of Thursday (September 7).Watch.(Agence France -Presse)

Complex Reuters and CCTV News reported that there were 18 people from the Australian cross -party delegation to attend the meeting. The Minister of Trade, the former Labor Party, led by the Minister of Trade in the Labor Party. The members include the former foreign minister of the Liberal Party, Bi Xiaopu and others.The Chinese delegation was led by Li Zhaoxing, honorary chairman of the Chinese Foreign Minister and Honorary President of the Chinese People's Foreign Affairs Society.

Li Zhaoxing mentioned at the meeting that the further improvement and development of China -Australia relations depends on whether the two parties know each other correctly; Emerson said that the normal and comprehensively restored normal trade in time meet the interests of the two countries.

According to the news released by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said when meeting with the Australian delegation in Beijing on Thursday that the difficulty of twists and turns between China and Australia in the past few years cannot define the nature of bilateral relations.It is not possible to block the pace of China -Australia cooperation.

He called on the two parties to treat each other objectively, calm, and friendly, do not interfere with the internal affairs of the other country, and properly handle each other's differences; adhere to China Australia as partners rather than opponents; independent promotion of Sino -Australian relations without being influenced or disturbed by third parties.