International Monetary Fund President GeoloreKieva will open an Asian visit on Wednesday (August 30), and China is the first stop of this trip.

Bloomberg Society quoted a spokesman for the International Monetary Fund on Tuesday (29th) that Georkiya would move on Wednesday to visit China, Indonesia and India.

The spokesman said on Monday (28th) that China will be the first stop of Georkyeva this trip to Asia. She will meet with senior officials in China during China, and then in September 3Democratic.After that, Georkeva went to Indonesia to participate in the Asianian Leaders Summit held in Jakarta.

Subsequently, Georgieva will attend the 20th National Group (G20) summit at New Delhi, India from September 8th to 10th.

Before Golkiyeva's trip to Asia, the International Monetary Fund raised its outlook for the international economy last month. Some reasons are that the US economy is expected to be soft landing.) It can reach 3%.

However, the International Monetary Fund organizes a warning that the global economy will still face the risks left by high interest rates and the Russian and Ukraine War.