Art teachers who are engaged in the research industry in the UK have received more than 50 Chinese students this summer, most of which are research camps participating in cooperation with British private schools.) Get off.

Some parts are research camps participating in the cooperation with the top famous schools in the United Kingdom. Some young children usually accompany adults, with a large and small cost of at least 100,000 yuan.

The operator who started to engage in the Chinese research industry six years ago told the United Zard that high -net -worth customers in the research group increased significantly this year, and the consumption capacity of ordinary groups was significantly differentiated.

In the research market in China this year, it is the most expensive to go to the UK to soak in the UK. The second is Asian countries such as Singapore. The price is about 15,000 yuan.Rare from 100 yuan to seven or eight thousand yuan.

The huge gap in price distinguishes different regions from families with different backgrounds.According to incomplete statistics from the research institutions operated by Teachers Teachers, families participating in the British research camp are mostly concentrated in Chinese first -tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Zhejiang. These areas are also Chinese traditional education highlands.

Outdoor group construction activities of the British Private School Research Camp.(Provided by the respondent)

A report released by China Huajing Industrial Research Institute in May this year shows that the consumption of the research market is mainly distributed in East China, North China, Central China and South China, which is relatively developed.Among them, East China, which has a strong economic province, is the largest consumer area, accounting for about 35%.

Si Zhaokai, deputy secretary -general of the Digital Economic Development and Research Committee of Shanghai Higher Education Society, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that research is an inevitable product form that will inevitably occur with economic development, which is linked to economic performance.

Among the several Chinese parents interviewed by reporters, elite families from first -tier cities and quasi -first -tier cities generally report that the proportion of surrounding children participating in the research team this year is about half, rather than ordinary schools in first -tier cities to participate in research.Less than 30 %, few people go abroad to study.

China's developed provinces and municipalities have long been ahead of other regions in education. In the "China Education Promotion Index" and "Chinese Modern Education Development Index" survey, first -tier cities Beijing, Shanghai, and Zhejiang and Jiangsu leading the Chinese economyOver the years, it has been in the forefront.

Specific educational expenditure of individuals and families, China CITIC General Station released in 2020 China Economic Life Survey Data is more intuitive: first -tier cities spend money on children, on average, about 44,000 yuan a yearThe second -tier cities are around 36,000 yuan, and third -tier cities are around 29,400 yuan.

Parents from a well -known public school in Shanghai revealed that at least half of the classmates where their children are in this year have participated in the research team, and she sent the child to the American research group with a cost of about 50,000 yuan.

The parent who is working in a foreign company and unwilling to be named said that the biggest part of the family is education. "I only ask him if you like it or not, and I will report it if you like it."

Elite families have long been put into research earlier with the Western education system

China's official issued documents in 2016, incorporated research travel into primary and secondary school education teaching plans. Driven by schools and markets, many families have only been exposed to study in the past two or three years.Families started earlier, but at that time, these projects were more called study tour or summer camps.

Full -time wife Wang Wan (pseudonym) has one child and one daughter, and her husband is a pilot.The couple first started sending their children to study when their eldest daughter first went to elementary school.After that, different places have been went every year. The farthest time was to stay in Finland for 15 days in 2019, spending a total of 50,000 yuan.

Wang Wan's eight-year-old son learned curling in the Finnish research group in 2019.(Provided by the respondent)
Wang Wan's younger son practiced skiing at the Finnish research team.(Provided by the respondent)

Wang Wan's two children are currently attending an international school in Chengdu. This summer, they participated in the six -day Guizhou Yangshuo Cliff Cliff Climbing Challenge Camp, with a per capita cost of nearly 10,000 yuan.

Elite families like Wang Wan's earlier contact with the international education system are affected by Western education and culture. In recent years, they have also paid more and more attention to training in children's physical fitness and outdoor.Assistance, the price is often higher.

Wang Wan's interview introduced that the cheapest domestic outdoor research group that children participated in, the cheapest is about 1,500 yuan per day, and this price is more than twice that of other ordinary tourist research groups.

In response to the needs of such families, some high -end markets have also launched more research groups that focus on outdoor exercises and physical training.

According to the art teacher, many British research teams include sports projects, one of which is called "Premier League Club Arsenal Football Training Camp". In addition to meeting parents' requirements for immersive English environment, it also allows children to have children.Opportunity to contact the world's top teams, learn football techniques, etc.

According to the observation of the art teacher, the elite family is not pursuing "the level of English has improved", because their children already have a strong language foundation and can communicate with fluent English. They pursue more experiences and dreams, "Spending so much money is to let your child experience in Oxford University, and then learn from this goal. "

The aforementioned Shanghai parents also said that studying abroad is a good attempt, and she will have an open mind. If children like it, they will naturally go in the future. "Maybe they will grow the next seed."

Economic downturn Packet tighten some family "consumption downgrade"

The downward pressure on China's economic economic downlink this year. Although the spray -type growth of the summer research market has increased, the industry reports that many parents, especially the relatively weak economic foundation, are more concerned about cost -effectiveness and will "downgrade consumption" in the research team.

Recent data shows that China is facing problems such as weak economic growth, tightening people's pockets, and insufficient consumption power.

Although the study market in the summer is rising against the trend, the industry also found that parents' consumption will be more inclined to pursue cost -effective this year.

Zhou Meng (pseudonym), the founding of a research institution in Chongqing, told Lianhe Zaobao that the price of the Singaporean group, which has been popular in the past, has risen by about 20%due to rising international air tickets and local prices.Parents asked that there was no enough number of people until the day before the departure, and they had to cancel it. "

I have operated nine years of researchZhou Meng transferred his focus from the higher -priced overseas group to a more affordable domestic group.

Chongqing parents Deng Jie (media employee) admitted in an interview that this year's economic situation has led to "relegation" in her child's research.

Deng Jie reported a seven -day and cost of about 5,000 yuan for his son who graduated from elementary school this year.

She told reporters that because she was a graduation class, about half of her classmates participated in the research team this summer. "At first everyone discussed in the group to go to Singapore. Later, because of price reasons, they were more inclined to Beijing."

Song Ting (pseudonym), the founder of a research institution in Chengdu, told reporters that the impact of the economic downturn is obvious. "Parents may consider spending more than 10,000 yuan to study when they first consult, but in the endWhen you have to pay, the budget drops to six or seven thousand yuan. "

Song Ting believes that when the economy is not good, parents are more obvious in education for rigidity and non -rigidity.

She said: "The economy is sufficient. In addition to letting children participate in the discipline tuition, parents will also spend some money to go to the summer camp to study science.After that, I won't spend any more money in study. "

However, the impact of the cooling of the Chinese real estate market on various cities. Although the overall economic downturn will have an impact on the education of most families in children's education, the impact is on first -tier cities, second- and fourth -tier citiesSaid, there is a difference.

Due to the good economic foundation, thick foundation, and economic pressure, the family's educational expenses have greater room for rotation due to the good economic foundation and thick foundation.Essence

Parents from Shanghai said that the people around me seemed to be more cautious in consumption, but for her, educational expenditure is still in a priority position and has little impact.

The differentiation of the study selection of differentiation or between conservative and open

Although study is only a small cut of the status quo of Chinese education, the scholars of interviewees believe that the differences in research choices caused by economic capabilities and educational concepts, and the level of the next generation of China's cognition of the world may be differentiated.

Lu Xi, an assistant professor of the School of Public Policy, Singapore National University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the economic situation was not good, and the difference in payment capacity was even more prominent.

He pointed out that people will have a plan to cut expenditure, and there are not many remaining money left by families with relatively weak economic capabilities. Parent -child education as the most elastic part will naturally be cut first.

Lu Xi believes that behind the phenomenon of differentiation of the research team, the information difference between China and the outside world also reflects the poor information in China and the outside world.

He said that the splitting of China and the outside world is becoming more and more serious. Parents with insight and ability can give the next generation more opportunities to contact and understand the external world by sending children to study or study abroad.In other factors, there are often such opportunities for first -tier cities or some elite families with better economy, which will lead to China's next generation of world cognitive level, which further enlarge the gap because of different origin.

Lu Xi further explained that, in addition to the objective economic capacity, in the environment of poor information in China, parents' choice of self -choice also differentiates. Between these parents and their next generation, they will also form a solidification and self -values.Self -strengthening.

Zhou Meng, the founder of the research institution, also analyzed that in addition to economic reasons, it is related to the three years of the Chinese crown disease. Most people have no chance to go abroad.

She said that after the epidemic, many people will have some inertia and urgent ideas in the future, coupled with obstacles in information circulation, which will bring more doubts, including when they are used to being used in the country, facing the face of domestic, facing faced"Going abroad", the first reaction is strange and cautious.

Lu Xi pointed out that from a deeper level, the choice of going abroad and not abroad may cause the differentiation of the social class, and may also lead to the differentiation of ideology.It may exacerbate the split of society and affect the stability and harmony of future society.