(Beijing Comprehensive News) When Chinese official visits Xinjiang after a year, it is necessary to firmly grasp the strategic positioning of Xinjiang in the national overall situation, while emphasizing the need to consolidate the difficult social stability situation.

Comprehensive Agencence France -Presse, China News Agency, and Xinhua News Agency reported that they have just attended the Chinese official of the BRICS Summit to return to China.After reporting the work of the Corps, he delivered a speech.This is his visit to Xinjiang again since he inspected Xinjiang last July.

Chinese officials say that Xinjiang has a special position in the national overall situation, which is related to the overall situation of strong country construction and national rejuvenation.He emphasized that it is necessary to always put the maintenance of social stability, strengthen the coordination of the work of stability and promotion of development to ensure stability to ensure development, promote stability in development, and combine the normalization of counter -terrorism and anti -division struggle and promoting the rule of law to maintain stability.Get up, grasp various work, and consolidate the difficult social stability situation.

Chinese officials also said that it is necessary to further promote the Chineseization of Islam, effectively govern various illegal religious activities, and at the same time guide the masses to establish a correct view of national, ethnic, historical, and religious concepts.

China officially reiterated that positive publicity needs to be strengthened, showing the new appearance of openness in Xinjiang, and at the same time, it is targeted to refute all kinds of false, negative and harmful public opinion.

The West and China have launched a fierce game around Xinjiang's human rights issues in recent years.The West accused China of implementing "racial extinction" and "forced labor" in Xinjiang, and established "concentration camps", and imprisoned millions of Uyghur and other ethnic minorities.Chinese officials refute that this is the "century lies", emphasizing that the so -called "concentration camp" is actually an educational training center.