“多一人观影,少一人受骗”,The anti -fraud theme of this propaganda slogan is desperate, which has become a dark horse in China this year.

According to the official Weibo of "Movie Lone Note", as of Wednesday (August 23), the box office of the film has exceeded 3 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 560 million), and the number of viewers exceeded more than more than 560 million).72.2 million."Cat Eye Professional Edition" data shows that the film has been released on August 5th, and has been the first box office list for the daily box office.Essence

According to the filmmaker, the lone note produced by the well -known director Ning Hao, the case from tens of thousands of real fraud cases, tells the programmer Pan Sheng (Zhang Yixing), model Anna (Jin Chen), etc.Overseas high -paying recruitment attracted and gambled abroad, but fell into the trap of overseas fraud factories in northern Myanmar, and finally managed to escape.

以“多一人观影,"One less person was deceived" as the slogan of promotional slogan, and became the box office dark horse of this year's summer season.The picture shows the poster of starring Kim Chen.(Internet)

However, compared with the soaring box office, netizens' evaluation of the movie is much more harsh.The lone note scored a 6.9 score in Douban, of which 40%of the audience gave Samsung's passage.Some netizens with low scores believe that this is a good anti -fraud publicity film, but the plot is not reasonable enough to be a good movie.

There are also views that the film art expression is in place, but the plot setting is too ideal and emotional.Publicity purpose.

The "lone bet" in reality

The popularity of this movie also allows public opinion to focus on more realistic editions of "lone bets".Similar to the movie, it was deceived to go abroad by reasons such as high -paying work abroad, invitation to "foreign netizens", and participating in low -cost outbound tourism. In the end, he was unfortunately trafficking and trapped in a trap of fraud, and often appeared in reports from Chinese media.

A chat record of suspected population sale, which caused continuous attention on the Internet of China last week.The Chinese media reported on August 15 that according to the online chat record, a 22 -year -old Yunnan female college student and a 17 -year -old minor suspected to fall into the hands of traffickers. The girl was traded at a price of 120,000 yuan.It was sent out of China to northern Myanmar.

A 22 -year -old Yunnan female college student and a 17 -year -old minor suspected to fall into the hands of people.(Internet)

Later on August 16, some media quoted relevant persons reports that girls in the case of parties came forward to say that they were in Kunming.Lost with mobile phones, identity information is stolen. "On August 17, a classmate of the girls told the media that the girls lost my contact again after a short newspaper, and there was no shared location throughout the process. The family could not be sure where she was, and suspected that she might be controlled.

It was not until August 21 that upstream news passed the authoritative channels of Baoshan City, Yunnan Province. The girl was found by the police on August 19th, and her parents had taken her home safely on the 20th;The boys with girls were also found.But where the two were found, whether they were out of the country, and the authenticity of related chat records, the public security organs were still investigating.

The case is confusing and repeatedly reversed, so that many Chinese netizens have pinched the sweat for girls' safety. During this period, keywords such as "northern Myanmar" also appeared on the Weibo hot search list many times during this period.Many netizens believe that although the probability of this incident is a false alarm, the danger of being trafficking to northern Myanmar is really existing by everyone.

Another case came from the surging news reported on August 19th that the party was a doctoral student who was a scientific research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.According to the doctoral student's girlfriend, he owed his debt because of speculation, and found a job claiming to be translated in Singapore in order to make money, but he was deceived to Myanmar.

Girlfriend said that the doctoral student was trapped in the scam area in Myanmar for one year. During the period, he could only use the mobile phone provided for telecommunications fraud, and the action was also closely monitored.She tried to negotiate and rescue her boyfriend with the fraud area, and the other party issued a 120,000 yuan ransom requirement, but due to the failure of the transfer, her boyfriend was beaten and detained.

It is reported that the Chinese embassy in Myanmar is known to know the case, and the police have also been involved in the investigation, but whether the man can return to China smoothly in the end is still unknown.

Unlike college graduates who have entered the society, high -education people who have received good education will also become victims of "high -paying recruitment" electronic scams, which will undoubtedly make more Chinese netizens feel fear.However, there are some comments that if the parties are not tempted by high salaries and are lucky, they will not end up.

In addition to the embarrassing tragedy, there are movie -like hero legends in reality.

Henan Radio and Television "Metropolitan Channel" reporter undercover close close to Northern Myanmar Electric Scam Group to conduct investigations and reports. The border "snake" movie program produced has attracted the attention of the fraud group after the broadcast in June.In the end, the fraud group was based on the condition that the show was completely removed from the show. Without asking for ransom, six Chinese who were trapped in Myanmar became a good story in the Chinese media circle.

Fraud GroupThe "snake" movie film is the condition that zero ransom releases six Chinese who are trapped in Myanmar.The picture shows the program promotional poster.(Internet)

However, many netizens also pointed out that "0 ransom" does not represent the "0 price".And more people who have not been rescued are the cost of "lonely" by speculators.

Reminder, crackdown, is enough?

It can be seen from various types of reports and cases that those who fall into the scam area have to continue to deceive more people to go to northern Myanmar in order not to be punished; and they cannot successfully complete the fraud., May be asked for ransom as a hostage, or was sold to other criminal organizations.Therefore, many people are both victims and become victims.

According to Red Star News, a policeman who has been engaged in anti -telecommunications fraud for a long time said that the Chinese who were caught in the electrical fraud park "mostly voluntarily passed"; the local Chinese businessmen who knew certain situations also said thatMany people do not understand the cruelty of reality, and voluntarily go to northern Myanmar with a fluke. After returning to China, in order to avoid legal sanctions, they say they have been deceived.

The Chinese judicial department has repeatedly emphasized that the crime of telecommunications network fraud has always adhered to severe punishment according to law, and cross -border telecommunications network fraud crimes are the top priority of severe punishment.According to Chinese law, the highest crime of fraud can be sentenced to life imprisonment.

In order to prevent more people from being caught in fraud, Chinese officials have exhausted various methods.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in MyanmarThe risk prompt is reminded to remind Chinese citizens to go to northern Myanmar and Miaowa Line, and Dasuli. Do not trust the "high salary to recruit Mujie, Miaowa, and Dali to work" to avoid going to Myanmar to avoid going to MyanmarLater, he was forced to engage in illegal activities such as online gambling, telecommunications fraud, and even beaten, illegal detention and extortion.

In the border provinces with high incidence of abduction cases, many officials in Yunnan have issued open letters to remind the public to be alert to the "overseas high salary worker" scam.The Nanhua County Public Security Bureau of Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan issued a public letter on Monday (August 21) that once he sneaked out of the country, he would "be used as a commodity to buy and sell at will.The Anti -fraud Center of the Kunming Luquan County Public Security Bureau also warned that after being arranged to the fraud dens, if the money was not paid and could not complete the task, it would be resolved, tortured, and even life -threatening.

Border province province province province province provinces with high incidences of incidence cases.In Yunnan, there are many officials issuing public letters, reminding the public to be alert to the "overseas high salary workers" scams.The picture shows the border between China and Myanmar, which was blocked during the epidemic in 2021.(Agence France -Presse)

On the other hand, Chinese officials also cooperated with Southeast Asian countries cross -border to combat electrical criminal activities.

The Ministry of Public Security of China, the Thai Police General Administration, Myanmar Police Headquarters, and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos held a meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand from August 15th to 16th to announce the launch of the special joint operation of cooperation to combat the gambling fraud group.In this region, telecommunications online fraud and cyber gambling crimes have resolutely reversed high incidence of criminal trafficking, kidnapping, and detention.

The Ambassador of China, Thailand, and Laos in Myanmar also held a three -party meeting on Tuesday, agreed to continue to work on local gambling scams, fully coordinated the Burmese to conduct search and rescue, and assisted the Burmese side to increase targeting for targeting.The crackdown of the gambling group.

The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar sent two news on Wednesday to report that a total of six criminal suspects who were engaged in telecommunications fraud in Myanmar were detained back to China.

The suspect was escorted back to China on Wednesday.(China Embassy in Myanmar)

Chinese official media also reported before that the Ministry of Public Security of China has organized a number of crackdown projects since April 2021. As of July last year, a total of230,000 personnel.Some media also reported that in order to persuade the return of fraudulent personnel to return to China, the officials even sacrificed the intimidation methods such as canceling the household registration.

Unfortunately, no matter how many anti -fraud publicity and blows, it is difficult to choose to be "lonely" by the temptation of interests, and the turbulent political situation and backward economy in Myanmar are also doomed to be difficult to root for such crimes.

Myanmar and Southeast Asia tourism industry

It is necessary to point out that northern Myanmar, northern Myanmar, in northern MyanmarThere are great differences in the place.Due to historical reasons and political turmoil, Myanmar officials are currently limited to the jurisdiction of this area.

But the criminal activities of northern Myanmar have also affected Myanmar's regular industries, especially the tourism industry that relies heavily on Chinese tourists.The popular tourist destinations such as Yangon and Bagan are far away from the high -risk northern Myanmar region, and the public security conditions are very different, but they are affected by northern Myanmar, and the number of tourists has plummeted.

China's "Daily Economic News" quoted Myanmar media reports that in the first half of this year, Myanmar attracted only about 450,000 foreign tourists, not only much lower than more than 1.6 million foreign tourists in Laos neighboring countries Laos.It is not as good as the amount of more than 4 million tourists before the epidemic.

Although the Minister of Tourism in Myanmar has repeatedly emphasized that China is the most reliable market in Myanmar's development of tourism. Myanmar expects Chinese tourists to return and allow Chinese citizens to enter the country.Myanmar.

The epidemic and crime risk caused Burmese tourists toSuddenly, the once hot "Pu Gan Hot Singer Tour" has now become history.(Internet)

It is reported that although Chinese officials resumed group tours on Myanmar on August 10, few people consult related tourism products.The once -full "Bagan hot air balloon journey" has become history. The price of many luxury hotels in Bagan is still cut, and no one is still asking.

Thailand, which borders Myanmar, has also been affected by Myanmar's risks.Except for its own public security risks, rumors about the abduction of travel to Thailand on Thailand on the Internet have made many Chinese tourists discourage Thailand.This doubt and fear have even extended to the travel safety of "New Matthew" and even the entire Southeast Asian region.

On the other hand, the "high -paying recruitment" scam and Chinese officials' constant warning reminding this will also affect the recruitment of foreign talents in Southeast Asian national enterprises and further affect the local economic development.

Whether it is looking for jobs, network surfing or travel vacation, it is worthy of encouragement.There are endless means of fraud and fraud, and everyone needs to be alert to prevent them from accidentally falling into the trap.However, for ordinary tourists who just want to relax and appreciate the local customs of other countries, most areas in Southeast Asia are not as horrible as online rumors.

As for those who are "lonely" who are in danger for benefits, or adventurers who are holding "wealthy insurance", there is no place in the world, which is absolutely safe.