The joint notice of multiple departments in China will carry out the cleanup and rectification of the chaos of the forum activities across the country.Waiting for behavior.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Saturday (July 8), the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Cyber Information Office, the Central Foreign Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism11 departments such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the SASAC, and the General Administration of Market Supervision jointly issued a notice on the special cleanup and rectification work of the forum activities.

The notification is clear. The special cleanup and rectification work will adhere to the principles of comprehensive cleaning, serious rectification, classification, and unified standardization.The illegal and illegal acts in the forum activities will focus on solving outstanding problems such as disrupted market order, affecting social security and stability, and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and establish a sound long -term management mechanism.

The notification is clear that the scope of this special cleanup and rectification includes various forums, summits, forums, lectures, annual meetings, reports, seminars, etc. organized by party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations.The event, and focus on cleaning up the various "cottage" forum activities organized by the official banner, the fake formal organization, and the commendation of the evaluation of the comparison standards in violation of the rules, and the forum activities of illegal charges to take advantage of the opportunity to collect money.

The focus of cleaning up and rectification also includes: the party and government leading cadres, experts and scholars attended the situation, misleading the public forum activities; random "China", "China", "National", "International", "The words "Peak" and "Summit" and other words are inconsistent with the real forum activities; the "performance" and "formalist" forum activities with the function of the organizer, the theme cross -repeatable, the content of the content, and the deviation of the deviation;Issue gift money, gifts, expensive souvenirs, and forum activities for various valuable securities and payment vouchers; other illegal and illegal acts.

The relevant departments emphasized that it will resolutely severely crack down on the illegal and illegal actions discovered, serious accountability of adverse effects on hosted forum activities, and report typical cases of illegal and violation forum activities.In addition, the cleanup and rectification work will give full play to the role of social supervision, encourage complaints and reports from all walks of life, and provide clues to violations of laws and regulations.