The State Administration of Foreign Exchange released on Friday (July 7) released statistical data showed that as of the end of June, the scale of Chinese foreign exchange reserves was US $ 30,93 billion (the same below, about 431.2 billion yuan), andCompared with the end of May, it rose 16.5 billion US dollars to 0.52%.At the same time, the Central Bank of China has increased gold reserves for the eighth consecutive month.

According to the Shanghai Securities Journal, China's foreign reserves increased by 65.3 billion US dollars so far, an increase of 2.09%.As of the end of June, the central bank's gold reserve was reported to 67.95 million ounces, an increase of 680,000 ounces from the previous month, and the monthly increase was the highest in nearly four months.

Reports pointed out that since this year, the global central bank has been unprecedented in the gold market, and the gold reserves of the Central Bank of China have also achieved a "eight -row".

Since the opening of this round of gold in November last year, the Gold Reserve of the Central Bank of China increased from 62.64 million ounces to 67.95 million ounces at the end of June this year, with a cumulative increase of 5.31 million ounces.

The report quoted the World Gold Association recently released the central bank's gold reserve survey that 71%of the central banks interviewed believed that the global central bank's gold holdings will increase in the next 12 months. Last year, this ratio would be 61%.Essence

In terms of currency, the US dollar exchange rate index fell 1.4%to 102.9 in June, while non -US dollar currency appreciated.In terms of assets, the US dollar price of the Global Bond index fell slightly by 0.1%in the month, but the S & P 500 stock index rose 6.5%.

The report quoted Guan Tao, the global chief economist of China Bank of China Securities, saying that the rise in China's foreign exchange reserves in June mainly reflects the valuation effect of exchange rate and asset price restructuring."In the month, affected by factors such as monetary policy and global macroeconomic data, the US dollar index fell, and global financial asset prices rose and decline."

Zhao Qingming, deputy dean of the Institute of Foreign Exchange Investment, said that the scale of foreign exchange reserves in June increased by more than $ 16 billion, far exceeding market expectations.From the perspective of exchange rate conversion factors, due to the appreciation of non -US currencies such as pounds and euros, it has formed a book value -added after converting into US dollars. From the perspective of asset prices, the prices of major bonds have declined slightly, resulting in a small "shrink" of foreign reserves.In addition, Chinese foreign exchange reserves management has formed a certain investment income, which thickens the annual foreign reserves.