Chinese official officials are the question of how to revitalize the economy., Solving the opinions of business leaders and economists.According to reports, participants who attended this series of conferences said that the conference tone was abnormal (unusually urgent).

Bloomberg News on Wednesday (June 14) quoted people familiar with the matter that Chinese officials have conducted at least six consultations with corporate executives in recent weeks.

People familiar with the matter said that senior officials of Chinese officials urged participants to stimulate the economy, restore the confidence of the private sector, and re -revive the real estate industry to contribute suggestions; in response, the business leaders and the economists called on the government to make an emergency amendment policy and adopt adoptionMore market -oriented, not a planned economic model.

One of the participants said that at a meeting about two weeks ago, high -level government officials and about 10 participants present reached a consensus, that is, more, more coordinated currency and more coordinated currency and more coordinated currency and more coordinated currency and more coordinated currency and more coordinated currency and more coordinatedFinancial stimulus measures.

The person familiar with the matter said that all participants expressed concern about the time and form of the implementation of the stimulus measures.