In response to the recent decline in the support rate of Taiwan polls, the Kuomintang presidential candidate and the mayor of New Taipei Hou Youyi said that he would work hard and serious.

Comprehensive Taiwan Economic Daily and Zhongtian News reported that Hou Youyi went to the Legislative Yuan to visit the Kuomintang legislators on Wednesday (May 31) and hold a bento.When Hou Youyi entered the field, he shook hands with all the Kuomintang legislators one by one, and bowed to the legislators three times while speaking.

Hou Youyi said, he can feel everyone's concerns, "Tell you a word (Minnan, sorry), I will work hard and more seriously."

Hou YouyiHe also said that he wanted to ask the legislators, the Kuomintang, and even the good friends in Taiwan.

For the DPP presidential candidate Lai Qingde, when answering "Which national head of state to go to dinner with dinner", "Chinese President Xi Jinping", Hou Youyi said that he felt wondering when he heard it,"Isn't Lai Qingde a pragmatic Taiwan independence worker? No one who speaks loudly to protect the Republic of China, how to communicate with the other side."

After speech, Hou Youyi and the members of the Kuomintang Party had a closed -door talk for about 40 minutes.

The polls released on Monday (29), Monday (29th) of Taiwan Meilimao Electronics News, showed that for the 2024 Taiwan election candidates, 35.8%will be voted for the DPP Lai Qingde, 25.9%to the public party Ke Wenzhe, 18.3%were cast to the Kuomintang Hou Youyi.