Since mid -May, the political situation in Serbia, the European country that has been well intersized in China and Russia, has been turbulent. Thousands of people have embarked on the streets of the capital Berglaide to demonstrate, and their finger to the government led by President Wugic.On May 27th, Wugic resigned as the chairman of the ruling party and publicly accused foreign countries trying to engage in the "color revolution" in Serbia.

Serbia's situation has attracted attention from Chinese public opinion.The WeChat public account "Zhejiang Propaganda" of the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China published an article entitled "Glasting Big Genrices and Seeing the Color Revolution '" on May 23. It detailed analysis of the routine and techniques of western countries such as the United States and other Western countries.And how should China be guarded.

The article pointed out that through non -violent methods such as the "Color Revolution", the purpose of harming the normal social order of other countries and even subverting the regime, the soldier does not give things to the target country.Generally, armed conflicts are better.

The article states that because of the "Color Revolution" compared to military interference such as war, it has the characteristics of low cost, small cost, and good effect. Since the end of the Cold War, the United States and West are particularly keen to output "American values" and make "color colors.revolution".Compared with Afghanistan and the Iraq war, it consumes tens of trillions of dollars, and the "color revolution" is very cost -effective.In 2004, the United States set off the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine with only $ 65 million, which directly overturned the results of democratic elections.The United States has spent more than 10 years, and has trained a large number of network writers with Arabic's mother tongue to launch a "Twitter Uprising" and knocking out the "Arab Spring" before and after the keyboard.

The article acknowledges that whether it is the field of economy, finance, or the political, military field, or the field of culture and public opinion, the West is still in the United States and the West still has a strong right to speak.Don't look at their domestic party every day, but know the consistency of "doing things" outside. As long as any country or region enters the "sight" of the West, it will cause riots and regime to change.

The reason why some third world countries are "stared" are not related to domestic issues. Cracks in social structures, such as social, population, or economic issues, provide a hotbed for Western motivation "color revolution".For example, there are problems with some countries in the economic field, economic development continues to be sluggish, people's lives have not improved for a long time, the unemployment rate is high, the gap between the rich and the poor is too large or even a serious polarization; some countries have problems in the political field of the country.The political system fails, officials have more serious phenomena such as corruption, bribery, and conspiracy to personal.The flood of wrong public opinion is flooded, and the society is severely torn; the national religious issues in some countries are intricate and the contradictions have been continuously intensified.

If these "flaws" cannot be cured for a long time, the "Color Revolution" will not be invited.The "Color Revolution" drive starts with the cultivation of "useful fools" and easy to incite. Through processing stories, the truth of distorted in the cracks, constantly rendering public opinion, inciting people's indignation, depleting the people's hearts, provoking populism, and waiting for the opportunity to find the opportunity to find the opportunityOne or two national emotions burst out, kicked out "Linking Gate", and finally achieved a lore against the target state power.

The article believes that for China, the "Color Revolution" has never been alarmist but an objective reality.Since the reform and opening up, while some Western countries have exchanged and cooperated with China, they have never given up "transformation" or even subverting China.The "Color Revolution" has always been implemented by developing countries to developing countries. The greater the difference between the two sides, the easier it is to conspiracy.To ensure that the city's city is solidly golden soup, it is necessary to rule out articles that are difficult to do well.

The article admits that it is inevitable to encounter such problems in the process of economic and social development in China. The key is whether it can be faced and properly solved.Especially when the masses are dissatisfied and complained, not only can they not handle it simply and rudely, or even throw the pots to the so -called "external forces". Instead, they must investigate and study and respond to demands in a timely manner.Only by the general public have a sense of gain, sense of happiness, security, and identity, can the country achieve "one iron plate" and achieve long -term stability.

The article also pointed out that the "Color Revolution" often starts from the youth group.Pay attention to the distress of the youth groups, pay less attention to life dilemma, and not relieve it in time. The wrongdoing and confusing remarks will take advantage of it.Faced with the Aboriginal people of the Internet after 90, 00, and 10, the CCP's ideological and political work cannot be "trained with faces". Instead, they must have concentricity and empathy.Through the heart and emotion, let the young people recognize the essence of all the "color revolution".

The "People's Forum" under the People's Daily also published an article on May 15, saying that the United States was behind the biggest behind the scenes of the "Color Revolution".For decades, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at least overturned or tried to overthrow more than 50 legal governments in other countries.

The article states that the "Color Revolution" is a key means for the United States to build a "new order in the world."The main target of the United States' "Color Revolution" is those developing countries that refuse to obey the Western order.Especially in recent decades, with the strengthening of the economic and financial trend of Western countries led by the United States, the United States has become more enthusiastic about creating "controllable chaos" in non -Western countries.

In fact, after the collapse of the Socialist camp of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, Chinese officials were highly alert to the "color revolution" similar to external forces in China.With the increasingly fierce Sino -US game, Chinese officials pay more attention to maintaining domestic politics, economic and social stability, strengthening control of online public opinion, and striving to eliminate the possibility of any "color revolution".