Ukrainian Foreign Minister Culba last Saturday (May 27) quoted people in other European countries that the Chinese government's Eurasian affairs Li Hui, a special representative of Eurasian affairs, did not discuss Russia controlled Russia in Ukraine.Part of the country occupied.

Comprehensive US CNN (CNN) and Ukrainian Truth reported that in response to relevant reports on Facebook, Kulba immediately said that he immediately personally visited people from European countries that Li Hui visited.In contact, they denied that some Ukrainian territory that was occupied was part of Russia's negotiations.

Co -Laipa added that Ukraine will continue to talk with China, but it must be carried out in accordance with the three basic principles, that is, the integrity of the territory, Ukraine will not consider any proposals involving territorial concessions, and there is no cold conflict.(Frozen Conflict).

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted Western officials on the 26th that Li Hui conveyed clear information, that is, the United States' allies in Europe should safeguard their autonomy and urge all parties to stop fire immediately, and let Russia control in Ukraine to occupy the occupation of Ukraine.Part of the area.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the report that the situation of Li Hui's visit, China issued a news draft in a timely manner, and called on the outside world to focus on the news draft released by China.

According to the written records released by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Reuters reporters asked at a routine press conference on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday (May 29): "According to the Wall Street Journal reportWestern officials who know the European trip to Europe said that China is proposing a ceasefire agreement in Russia to have a ceasefire agreement in some areas of Ukraine. Can you confirm what the Chinese side is proposed and why? "

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaksRen Mao Ning replied: "Regarding the situation of the special representative of Li Hui, China all published the news draft in time, please refer to the news draft released by the Chinese side. I also noticed that the Ukraine Foreign Minister publicly stated that according to his contact with all parties,, No country said that Li Huite made a statement mentioned in the Wall Street Journal report. "