Young people "break their relatives" once again have become hot topics in Chinese social media.

The latest wave of discussions on discussing relatives, from the early May of the Chinese media Sanlian Life Weekly, I started a self -reported article "33 years old, I took my parents to break my relatives".In the article, the 33 -year -old Pandora described the journey of his parents and relatives in the family to cut off his heart.After the article was released, a lot of resonance and controversy were triggered on the Internet."Some modern people have begun to break their relatives." The topic of "broken pro -pro -young people" rushed on Weibo hot search. comment on Monday (May 29) published a comment article under the topic of "why young people started to break their relatives", which attracted 2.9 million reading in an hour.

Similar topics have become cyclical hotspots on the Chinese Internet.Every year on the Spring Festival, there are always people discuss on Weibo: "Why don't this young man not get relatives?" Douban has an active "strange relative vomiting group" on Douban.They are all related to relatives of Tucao.

The Chinese question community knows the topic of the topic of relatives.(Internet)

Sanlian Life Weekly also launched a survey on Weibo: How do young people do not like to walk relatives?As of the afternoon of the 29th, 50,000 people chose "support, and some relatives really did not take my movement on the 116,000 Weibo users." 57,000 people chose "it is normal, and there is no feelings for getting along less."In addition, 20,000 people chose "In fact," the real loved ones do not need to maintain it deliberately ", and the choice of" still need to move more, one more relatives rely on ", 3924, only 3%.

Netizens who are criticizing this phenomenon who are criticizing this phenomenon are that this is a kind of indifference of young people, "without family concepts", "not filial piety", "when you are old, you know the good of relatives."Some people even associate this phenomenon with the young childhood of Chinese society, thinking that this is not beneficial to the long -term development of Chinese society.

On Weibo, a netizen criticized the phenomenon of "disconnection".(Internet)

The inevitable trend of modernization?

In the explanation of scholars, "disconnection" is mainly manifested as a phenomenon of interaction and communication with relatives who is lazy, negligible, and disdain for the same two generations.Simply put, it is to give up to associate with relatives, rather than formally declare the relationship between relatives.

In the eyes of scholars, breaking relatives is an objective trend, and to make moral criticism of this phenomenon, it does not help.

Hu Xiaowu, an associate professor at Nanjing University Social College, published the papers "broken relatives" in 2022: Why happen?Where do you go?It is pointed out that the younger the younger, the less contact with relatives, especially the post -90s and post -00 groups.Broken relatives have actually become a social normal, and with the development of the Internet and urbanization, this trend is still strengthening.


Thesis pointed out that the social changes brought about by urbanization have a economic, space, and lifestyle change, which has led young people to make interruptions different from their parents."I didn't understand it as a social problem. This was an objective result." Hu Xiaowu said in an interview with the southern weekend this month.

Hu Xiaowu gave his example in the interview.He moved from a small place in Jiangxi Province to a large city in Nanjing to live, and he was thousands of miles away from his hometown. He has been negligent in associated with relatives with his hometown for 20 years.He has a sister living in Zhejiang. His child and his sister's children are close relatives, but the two children have seen it once a year, and they will see it once. If there is a short summer vacation, see twice.

He said, "This sense of distance span -space, which is the macro structure of openness and flow brought by China's urbanization, eventually produced a change in the Chinese social structure."

Another change after entering a modern society is that the Chinese dependence on the "family" has decreased.

Hu Xiaowu mentioned in the paper that in the agricultural society or the pre -modern society structure, the relationship is in a very important position. Expanding the family's ability to survive and develop the entire family."

Compared with the scenes described in Hu Xiaowu's paper today, we can clearly see that today's students are busy learning, adults are busy with work, and social relations developed during the process are all non -blood.With the Internet, a person can get a variety of services and entertainment even through online business activities, and settled his life.At this time, the relationship is gradually changed from a necessity to a "optional" relationship.

The Southern Metropolis Daily commented that behind the phenomenon of disconnection, instead of worrying about young people to give up the "family", it is better to see it as the rise of the self -consciousness of young people and a re -examined with modern interpersonal relationships.

The choice of individualism

In love with the criticism of netizens, in addition to the "embarrassing chat" after a long time; another main reason is that there are some behaviors without boundaries among relatives, which makes young people feel at a loss.Aversion emotions.

Pandora published in the Sanlian Life Weekly, saying that she was born in a third -tier city in Guangdong, and her relatives live in the same city.Her father is the eldest son of the family, and she undertakes most of the "things to pay" in this big family, such as the elderly, care, and funeral.And she has been ridiculed by relatives at home for poor grades.Her relatives once accused her of not doing business and greedy to enjoy because she listened to pop music.

"What I felt at that moment was not the elders taught me, but a dozen adults. In order to vent my emotions, it was bullying me."

After the excellent music college in Pandoran, her relative attitude changed 360 degrees.At the party, let her children learn from her.This also made her very embarrassing, and felt "strange" in her heart.In the end, she broke the contact with her relatives, over the New Year, and gathered only with the three of her parents.

Pandora's narrative attracted a lot of resonance.Some netizens said: Relatives "don't meet, and they will be embarrassed when they meet. Promote marriage! Show off the salary!

Some netizens said that when they were young, they were forced to come with relatives; and netizens complained that during the holidays, they should receive "daddy education" from relatives during the holidays.(Internet)

In most occasions, it is difficult for juniors to refute the guidance and discipline of elders.Sociologist Zhai Xuewei told the Beijing News that in the traditional Chinese society, people's fixed relationships such as relatives can easily form a "face -to -face culture", just like at the dinner table, the subordinates will strongly speak to the leaders.

However, on China's social network, an ideal relative also appeared- "Little Aunt".The Spring Festival in 2023, "Small"Aunt culture" is popular. In the description of netizens, many of them have a younger sister -like aunt. She is described as a traditional family who dares to develop herself since she was a child.Communicate and encourage them to be brave to be themselves.

In the 2020s of the hit drama in 2020 and the golden years adapted from the novels of Yishu, the aunt (left) played by the actor Yuan Quan is an enlightened and sober female image.It was also welcomed by many Chinese netizens after it was released.(Internet)

Sanlian Life Weekly reported in February this year, describing that the little aunt is "the younger sister of the family elders, the friend of the younger sister 'in the hearts of the younger generation, and some of them have chosen to have a lifestyle that is different from ordinary people but the most suitable way of life.Occasionally, it became a lamp that illuminated others. "

The description of the idealization of "Little Aunt" can be seen that young people do not need relatives, but put forward a new requirement for relative relationships: respecting each other, but not dependent.They may also be eager to choose the most suitable way to live like "aunt".

During the Spring Festival in 2023, articles about "aunt" were welcomed.Many netizens said that "little aunt" is the rebellion and freedom in their family, and often the most popular relatives of the juniors.The picture shows a screenshot of the article results of the WeChat public account search.(Internet)

"Broken pro -pro -pro -pro -relatives" continuous Spring Festival is still difficult to find by one vote

However, more people are holding "broken relatives" on their mouths, and they continue to talk, but their actions are honest.In reality, the Spring Festival is still difficult to find every year.After working hard outside for a year, returning home and eating a reunion meal is still the strong desire for most Chinese people's hearts, and "family relationships" are still the softest places in many people.

It may be because of the inner entanglement of "cutting continuous" and "reluctance", so many people have posted on the Internet how strange their relatives are.In other words, people do not want relatives, but also require relatives that respect each other and more equal relatives."Auntie" is this expectation.

Obviously, when China transformed from a traditional farming society to modern society, the relationship of relatives also needs to keep pace with the times and go to Wu Cunjing.

The relationship between the ideal relatives of the Chinese will come, and it will not be known whether it will come in the end.However, after years of childhood policy, many adults are only children, and family members of Chinese people have been decreasing.After several generations, the seven aunts and eight aunts who have been vomit will become history.Perhaps as scholar Hu Xiaowu said, there is no need to worry about "broken relatives" and do not have to do anything.Because this may be just a period of episode, there are fewer relatives and smaller families, which is the reality.

The Spring Festival in 2023, passengers are waiting for the bus at Shenzhen North Station.According to data from the Ministry of Communications of China, during the Spring Festival from January 7 to February 15, 2023, the traffic volume of the whole society exceeded 4.7 billion.