A spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics of China and Director of the Department of Statistics of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics, Fu Linghui on Tuesday (May 16), said that the current Chinese economy does not have a shrinkage.A shrinking.

According to the China Economic Network report, Fu Linghui analyzed at the press conference of the National New Office that from the perspective of the CPI (consumer price index), since this year, the year -on -year increase in CPI has declined.In April, it rose by 0.1%year -on -year, and the increase fell 0.6 percentage points from last month. The decrease in CPI was mainly the effects of some phase factors.

Fu Linghui said, one is the fall of food prices.With the warming of temperature, the supply of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits has increased, and the market price has fallen.At the same time, the pig market supply is generally sufficient; the second is the expansion of energy prices.Since the beginning of this year, it has undergone a global economic recovery and global energy prices have generally declined, and the impact on the output of domestic residents' consumption of electricity and diesel prices has appeared. In April, the energy prices decreased by 5.4%year -on -year, which expanded from the previous month.

Third, some domestic durable consumer goods price reduction promotion.Since the beginning of this year, affected by the expiration of the automobile preferential subsidy policy at the end of last year, the emission standards of the National Sixth B have switched in July this year. The price reduction promotion of car companies has increased, driving the downward price of prices.Fourth, the comparison base of the same period last year rose.It was affected by factors such as the impact of the epidemic in the same period last year, and the price of pork into the rising cycle, and the increase in food prices expanded.At the same time, due to international geopolitical conflicts and the impact of global epidemic, international oil prices rose last year, which led to rising energy prices in CPIs.

Fu Linghui said that in the price, food and energy in the price are often affected by short -term factors, often fluctuating will be relatively large. It depends on the overall situation of the price. It depends on the core CPI.From the perspective of the core CPI situation, in April, it rose 0.7%year -on -year, and the increase was the same as last month, and the overall maintenance was basically stable.Judging from the current situation of the core CPI, the current increase of 0.7%is still lower than before the epidemic. The important reason is that the service demand is still recovering, and the related price increase is lower than the past.

He analyzed that from the following situations, the period of the period of the year -on -year increase in CPI will continue.First, after the normalization of China's economic and social restoration, the supply demand is improved, but the recovery of demand is still insufficient compared to the improvement of supply; second, the impact of international inputability may continue; the third is that the tail -tailed factor weakens.

Fu Linghui emphasized that in general, the low price increase operation is staged. With the expansion of domestic demand policies and efficiency and economic activity, employment has gradually improved, income increase, consumption confidence, consumption consumption, consumption consumptionScene resume expansion will drive CPI to return to a reasonable level.

China's CPI increase in April has fallen to the lowest level in more than two years, and the production price index (PPI) has decreased for seventh consecutive month.The analysis believes that these two latest economic indicators, together with the weak trade data this week and the recent shrinking data of manufacturing activities, show that China's domestic demand is still weak, and the strength of China's economic recovery may be weakened.