(Beijing News) The Global Times criticized the South Korean President Yin Xiyue last month to visit the United States involving Taiwan's remarks before and after, causing the South Korean Embassy in China to protest.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday (May 8) that the view of the ring does not represent the position of the Chinese government, but reflects the domestic public opinion of China.

Yin Xiyue said in an interview with Reuters on April 19 that the tension in the Taiwan Strait was due to trying to change the status quo with force. Taiwan's issue is not only a problem between China (mainland) and Taiwan, but the same global issue as the North Korean issue.The Chinese and English version of the Global Times issued social reviews on April 23, criticizing Yin Xiyue's remarks before visiting the United States.

Yin Xiyue and US President Biden issued a joint declaration after a summit on April 26, which includes the need to ensure the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

The English version of the Global Times published another social review on April 28, saying that the Yin Xiyue government may be the least awareness of national independence in the United States among the previous Korean governments.

The Yonhap News Agency reported on Friday (May 5) that the South Korean Embassy in China gave a letter to the Global Times to protest the relevant social reviews from a biased perspective, incarnation, and irritating dishonest word.A stable foreign policy has undergone a brain degradation without objective basis, which expresses a strong regret for this.

The ring review on Monday on Monday, the most severe criticism of the Yin Xiyue government's "Mei Mei and Kissing Diplomacy" is the most severe criticism from South Korea. If it is not because of the core interests of China, the Chinese have no interest in evaluating.However, some of the recent public words and deeds from the Korean side have caused strong resentment and vigilance in Chinese society. This is the culprit that encourages the "negative cognition" of the two countries.

According to Global Network reports, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin said that he noticed the response article published by the Korean embassy protests at the time.He said: "The view of the media does not represent the position of the Chinese government, but it reflects the current public opinion in China."

Wang Wenbin also said that the negative public opinion between China and South Korea should not have appeared in recent times, and the Korean side was promoted to "make more constructive efforts" and pointed out that "the source of controlling the source is the key to avoid negative public opinion."