The Zibo barbecue, which has become popular on the Chinese network over the past two months, has continued to heat up in the "May 1st" Golden Week."Have you eaten barbecue?" It also became the most common question when the "May 1st" holiday during the "May Day" holiday.

Lianhe Zaobao reporters also visited Zibo on the first day of the May holiday to show everyone how red the Zibo barbecue was.

There are barbecue across China, but the local characteristics of Zibo barbecue "small cake stoves and dipping sauce" have become one of the reasons why it attracts many tourists.

Some local people say that the action of burrito can make people unable to get mobile phones.In this era of lack of communication, the reason why Zibo barbecue can get angry is because it is "more tender and closer to the lives of ordinary people."