
Jingqiang Xinyun

French President Macron's visit to China, some media disclosed that he will communicate with Chinese officials for six or seven hours.The news was doubtful at the time. Now it seems that Macron's courtesy in China is far exceeding external expectations.

The three -day interview made people most impressive is the informal meeting of the heads of state of the two countries in Songyuan, Guangzhou.

On -site screens show that although Sino -French leaders are wearing a suit, they are not tie ties. They have talked in the garden, only one translator accompanied; the two tasting tea together and appreciating the Qiqin song alpine.

Chinese official father Xi Zhongxun once dominated Guangdong.In the conversation with Macron in Chinese officials, he also recalled that he went to Guangdong to visit his father in the late 1970s.

Chinese leaders receive visiting foreign heads of state in this way, and Macron is also a foreign head of state that has received the highest courtesy in China in recent years.

There is no less in the

except for face.During Macron's visit to China, Airbus won 160 civil aircraft in China and a total procurement order with a total value of $ 20 billion (S $ 26.6 billion).Railway equipment manufacturers, Alstom, French Dafei Sea Transport Corporation, nuclear power supplier France Power, Cosmetic company L'Oreal, and French pork industry all signed an agreement with China to expand cooperation with China.

The non -ordinary interaction with Chinese leaders, expanding economic and trade cooperation between China and France, and 51 joint statements, including Ukraine issues, have published by the two countries, which have allowed Macron to earn a lot of media sections, but the most eye -catching is the most eye -catching.It was the remarks that he made an uproar of international media published on the return of the special plane.

Among the interviews published by the Politico News website on April 9, the European leader looked forward to Europe as the "third" power outside China and the United States.He bluntly stated that Europe cannot be the "follower" of the United States, and it is necessary to avoid being dragged into the Sino -US issue around Taiwan.

Macron warns that the major risk faced by Europe is to fall into a crisis that does not belong to Europe, causing Europe to be unable to establish strategic autonomy.

"The question you want to answer in Europe are ... whether the crisis in Taiwan is in line with European interests. The answer is no. To even worse, we believe that our Europeans must be followers on this issue, and the agenda of the United States or China’s agenda or ChinaExcessive reactions take away. "

Macron's Chinese trip and his statement after ending the trip released several signals: France refused to equate the country's interests with the interests of the United States, and did not want to follow the footsteps of the United States to "decide" with China; France does not want to want toInterfering with Taiwan issues and believe that Europe should not do that; under the confrontation between the two stronger China and the United States, Europe should maintain strategic independence.

Macron is the leader of European powers, and France is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations. His portrait can be imagined.These statements fits Beijing's position, and Chinese public opinion describes that this is the "white palace"; some analysis also said that Macron's visit to China is an important breakthrough in Beijing on "anti -enclosure". China has pulled under the United States in the United States.A piece of "iron curtain" was torn out.

However, in the United States and Europe, Macron faced fierce attacks.He was questioned "geopolitics blind" and "isolated himself, weakened Europe".Some critics also believe that in order to respond to Cai Yingwen's visit to the United States, when a large -scale military exercise in the Taiwan Strait is holding a large -scale military exercise, Macron's statements are particularly inconsistent.

Macron's claims, especially the position of refusing to become a follower in the United States, to a certain extent, it is a high -standard voices of Beijing, and it is also in line with France's consistent diplomatic attitude, which is not surprising.

France has historical genes in pursuing strategic autonomy.Dai Gaulism, which has prevailed in the 1960s, is the core of adherence to independence and independence, emphasizes France's core of leadership in Europe, maintains France's position in international affairs, and avoid becoming a vassal of the United States.

Under the influence of Da Gaulism, France withdrew from the "NATO Military Integrity Organization" in 1966 and returned to NATO until 2009.After Macron entered the Elysee Palace, he took the responsibility of reviving the international status of France and positioned himself as the heir of Dai Goghism.

However, Macron's position only represents a part of Europe. His remarks have caused uproar and reflect the different sounds and positions in Europe.

On the one hand, the United States and Europe are closer to values and ideology, and Europe cannot be separated from the United States in military and security.On the other hand, some European countries also have the motivation to independently develop relations with China.Although it is not easy to achieve breakthroughs, Europe still hopes to persuade Beijing to play a more active role in the Ukrainian issue; it is difficult for Europe to afford the price of "decoupling" with China, especially after the Russia and Ukraine War, Europe faces energy prices rising in the face of rising energy prices., Inflation and other issues have endured huge economic pressure.

Although the Beijing strategy advocated by Macron in the face of Washington's surrounding Beijing, it is very likely that Europe is completely independent of the United States in Europe. The more realistic option is to seek complexity between China and the United States for a long time.Balance; Beijing also needs to continue to show wisdom and protect Sino -European relations. After all, China's needs for Europe will not have less need for China than Europe. Compared with the United States and Europe, China -Europe relations are also more vulnerable.