Ukrainian officials revealed that Ukraine will closely pay close attention to the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia this week.

According to the France -Presse News on Monday (March 20), for Ukraine, the Chinese head of state's visit to Russia is a very sensitive issue, and Ukraine officials are unwilling to publicize this publicly.

The senior Ukrainian official who did not want to be named said: "For us, it is important that China insists on unswerving policies that unswervingly respect the integrity of other countries."

As for the possibility of providing weapons to Russia in mainland China, Yurii Poita, a researcher at the Taiwan Institute of Defense and Safety, believes that it is unlikely to provide weapons in mainland China at this stage."We expect that there will be no Chinese tanks, aircraft or multi -tube rocket systems in the short term."

溥 猷 “said that Russia is very important to China at the economic and geopolitical level.Ukraine is much more important.

Xi Jinping conducted a state visit to Russia from March 20 to 22.This is the first time that Xi Jinping has been re -elected as the Chinese President of China this month. It is also the ninth time Xi Jinping visited Russia as a Chinese state chairman.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States earlier quoted sources reported that after the meeting with Xi Jinping and Putin, he could talk to Ukraine President Zeiski in an online way.