

Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

For a few days of the death of the former top leader of China, Jiang Zemin, the official continued to praise his "great glorious life".Public public opinion also set off the sound of missing this "elderly". Some big V said, "We all owe Chairman Jiang a apology."

From 1989 to 2002, Jiang Zemin served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.In the 13 years, China has experienced the impact of transformation from a planned economy to a market economy, a large number of state -owned enterprises bankruptcy, and a large number of people's unemployment, and ushered in the historical turning of the WTO to promote China's economy.The embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed and the heavy pressure of the China -US collision incident opened a new situation in reform and opening up.

China can get out of the dilemma at the time, and Jiang Zemin's pattern and forbearance played an important role.

When Jiang Zemin took over as the General Secretary, the "June 4th" incident Yu Bo was not over, and people inside and outside the party were heartbroken.Although there is Deng Xiaoping's helm, Jiang Zemin must eliminate the "left" faction interference in the party in the front line to ensure that China continues to implement the reform and opening up route.Practice has proved that Jiang Zemin did not live up to Deng Xiaoping's trust, and China took out the "Left" after "June 4th" in a short time.

After Deng Xiaoping's speech in 1992, Jiang Zemin took the lead in proposing to establish a "socialist market economy system" and wrote it into the report of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the party constitution.

After the Fourteenth National Congress, the three positions of General Secretary Jiang Zemin, the President of the State, and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission were one of them. China officially entered the Jiang Zemin era.

After Deng Xiaoping's death in February 1997, someone once doubted whether Jiang Zemin could stabilize the large ship in China, but Jiang Zemin once again proved his ability, successfully presided over the return of Hong Kong, and successfully held the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the second half of the year.The theory is written into the party constitution.

After the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China accelerated the transition to the market economy system.At that time, China still had a large number of state -owned enterprises with low efficiency and relying on fiscal subsidies.The lack of competitiveness in these companies is a major obstacle to establishing a market economy, but involving the employment of a large number of people is a recognized difficulties in reform.Jiang Zemin and Prime Minister Zhu Rongji showed their courage, holding up the huge pressure of unemployment and re -employment of tens of millions of people, allowing a large number of state -owned enterprises to go bankrupt, a large number of private enterprises emerged, and set up the basic framework for the market economy.To this end, Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji bears a lot of fame.

In theory, Jiang Zemin regardless of the party's doubts, and proposed that the CCP must always represent the development requirements of China's advanced productivity, represent the direction of China's advanced culture, and represent the fundamental interests of the most vast people in China (three representatives), allow private entrepreneurs to allow private entrepreneursThe party joined the party has expanded the foundation of the Communist Party of China and promoted the CCP's transformation from the Revolutionary Party to the ruling party.

Promoting China's joining the WTO is also a big conclusion of Jiang Zemin.In the 1990s, many people believed that once China joined the WTO, it would disrupt domestic automobiles and other industries and let China be reduced to the vassal of international capital.Jiang Zemin's exclusion of interference finally prompted China to join the WTO in 2001, adding great impetus to further reform and opening up and economic take -off.

Jiang Zemin also took a big step in military reform.In the early days of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping asked the army to "patience" and significantly cut military expenses.Since 1985, only 60 % of the military expenditure, the remaining 40 % of them were raised by the army by themselves.The so -called self -raising is to allow the army to engage in production and operation and foreign trade.In this way, many officers do not do business, are enthusiastic about business, breed a lot of corruption, and the combat effectiveness of the army has also declined significantly.

In 1998, Jiang Zemin stopped all the business activities of the army, reorganized military discipline, carried out scientific and technological training, and adapted to new military changes with informationization as the main content.

After entering the new century, Jiang Zemin made it clear that in the first 20 years of this century, for China, it was a period of strategic opportunities that must be seized and can be greatly achieved.Looking back now, Jiang Zemin's strategic judgment is very accurate, showing his big pattern.

Diplomatic diplomatic, Jiang Zemin has both the enthusiasm of "Hello, I'm good, everyone", but also the patience of facing strong opponents.

During the administration of Jiang Zemin, China ’s diplomacy experienced several“ shame ”, including the 1993 Galaxy incident; the crisis of the Taiwan Strait in 1996; the Chinese Embassy in 1999, and the 2001 China -US collision incident.Limited to China ’s strength and environment, Jiang Zemin did not fight hard in these incidents, returned his teeth with his teeth, but avoided its edge, and tried to protect the normal development of Sino -US relations.For this reason, he has more infamous names.

Facts have proved that Jiang Zemin's forbearance and Tao Guang are very effective, avoiding direct conflicts of China and the United States due to short -sightedness, maintaining China's good external environment to the greatest extent, and striving for a long period of gold in China's rise.

In 2009, Jiang Zemin said in a speech published by the China United Engineering Company that he had done three main things during his term: one was to establish a socialist market economy system; the other was to write the theory of Deng Xiaoping into the party constitution;The "three representatives" were proposed.He added: "If there is a little score, the army must not be in business, which has a lot to do with the fate of the army." "The flood resistance in 1998 is also very large.The main thing is three things, I am ashamed, do a little job. Thank you! "

Jiang Zemin's summary of himself is obviously very humble. He is now deeply missed by Chinese public opinion, indicating that he is a qualified leader who can stand the test of time.

There is a famous saying in the late Qing minister Zeng Guofan: Those who seek big things, the first pattern.The pattern of Jiang Zemin laid a solid foundation for the Chinese economy.His forbearance may bring him a fame, but history will eventually give him an objective and fair evaluation.