Weibo supports Chinese epidemic prevention policies and criticized protests from various places, and has been bombarded by netizens.

After fighting a few rounds with the netizens, she posted a post on the Weibo account "Dalong and Stink Girl" at noon on Wednesday (November 30) at noon that Zhao Lijian's spokesman was strange."The office work 12 hours a day, and go home to work until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. The good treatment is like a courier brother. There is no overtime salary, no bonuses, no time, no home"A sound, you have to put on your home. "

However, this remark did not gain sympathy for her, but made her proud of her question, attracting more netizens to join the scolding war.Dug out.Mrs. Zhao Lijian, who was caught in the vortex of public opinion, shouted in the same Weibo comment, "I and our enemies really hope he (Zhao Lijian) resign home as soon as possible."As soon as this remark came out, the fire was directly burned to the husband's head, and Zhao Lijian's personal Weibo was also attacked by netizens.

Weibo account "Datong and Stink Girl"

At the end of September this year, Weibo user "Dalong and Stink Girl" took a lot of intimate photos with Zhao Lijian, with the text."Old we go to plant fish together, the most romantic and happiest thing is to accompany you to grow old slowly."

During the birthday of Zhao Lijian in November this year, the account was exposed to Zhao Lijian's cake photo again.: // 966 "/>

On the birthday of Zhao Lijian this year, the account showed Zhao Lijian cake photo photos.The text says "Happy birthday to you, accompaniment is the most true confession!"Zhao Lijian, who has always been serious under the filter, has become smaller.

However, as the epidemic in China continues to heat up, protests occur in many places, and the "Jian" Weibo painting style has also begun to change.

After a high -rise residential fire occurred in Urumqi, cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu began to protest on the street from last Saturday (November 26).What is the purpose? Who is instructions behind them? "She also wrote:" The wisdom of the Chinese people is also united, and your conspiracy and tricks will not succeed! "

This Weibo is veryIt was refuted by netizens, saying that he was not rhythmic, but he hoped "don't cover our mouths", and asked, "Is the fire from Urumqi burned abroad?"

After the attack, "Jian Yan" said in the same day and said, "If you scold me can make you feel better, you scold!" She also did not forget to call on everyone to "believe in the motherland and the party, the national policy implementation takes a certain time", "it takes a certain time."He also said that he was "very worried that young people would be in the rhythm of unique forces to stimulate contradictions and hatred."

Sunday sent several Weibo to fight with netizens.(Take from Tang Tianru Weibo)

That night, "Jian Yan" once again published a text shouting: "Resolutely support the implementation of national epidemic prevention policies in place, scientific and precise epidemic prevention, not panic, rumors, no rumors, right, no, noThe executors and executives are inadequate to investigate and strictly do it to prevent the layers of overweight. "

Who is" Jian "?

According to the signature articles posted by "Jian Yan" Weibo, her real name is Tang Tianru, the general manager of a Chinese -funded enterprise in Islamor, Pakistan.

Public reports show that Tang Tianru is a Chinese private entrepreneur who lives overseas all year round. In 2016, he went to Pakistan to open import and export trading companies and furniture production plants.Before Zhao Lijian served as a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was stationed in Pakistan for four years in 2015.

According to the China Economic Network reported in November 2018, after the terrorist attack of the Pakistan Terrorist Organization "Balu Zhi Liberation Army" on the Chinese Consulate General in ChinaMs. Tang Tianru remitted the 4.2 million rupees (about S $ 40,000) to the Chinese Consulate General in Karachi as a donation of two Pakistani police officers who sacrificed in the air strike.

At the same time, Tang Tianru also launched a donation event in the circle of friends.A screenshot of WeChat showed that Zhao Lijian, then the public ginseng of the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, took the lead and donated 2,000 yuan (NG of NGD) through WeChat.

Pakistan in 2018 MaybeAfter the attack, Tang Tianru launched a donation event in the circle of friends.A WeChat screenshot showed that Zhao Lijian took the lead in responding to the call call.(Internet)

From the Weibo of Tang Tianru, it can be seen that she has deep feelings for Pakistan, who is called "Pakistani" in China, often pays attention to the development of Pakistani.Published signed articles in English newspapers.

"Jian Yan" Weibo content was deeply dug

After the Weibo of Tang Tianru's dense exposure last Sunday (27th), he received more attention. Earlier contentIt was also dug out by netizens one by one.When everyone found that in the past, she sometimes went to the wild to pick up the wind, sometimes dressed in Chinese uniforms without a mask to participate in international social activities, and was not affected by the epidemic, and netizens had greater dissatisfaction with her remarks of supporting epidemic prevention.

Among them, the Weibo that was most accused by netizens was when she was tight in China in June this year, but she lamented "bland and real life" in Germany, with several sheets of German cities.The photo also wrote that "the life of the German city center after work, refuse to work overtime, do not answer the phone."

Netizens have questioned, why do they have to go to Germany to feel "flat and authentic" when they are "unnecessary" at that time, why "cannot be overwhelmed with us" with us "Intersection

In addition, netizens also found that Tang Tianru, who has a clear attitude and calls the United States as a "beautiful country", posted a Weibo on the day of the United States Thanksgiving (November 24) this year, calling on everyone to be grateful to the revolutionary predecessors.

Two days after ThanksU, the local hospital issued two crisis notices of the disease, but "thinks that the serious epidemic in Beijing will cause a lot of pressure on the local government's epidemic prevention and threatening the safety of the lives of the local people."Father", so he took the initiative to cancel the trip to visit his father.

This Weibo, who originally wanted to highlight the "Xia Xiao family for everyone," was considered by netizens to be "contrary to human nature and logic", "produced a high -level black effect", and was ridiculed by netizens.

Some netizens summarized the Weibo content of Mrs. Zhao Lijian, pointing out that as an official family member, Tang Tianru was not affected by too much clearing policy."In the world", "while criticizing the people to protest the sealing and control, and show off a high -profile" elegance 'life ".

Tangtian Such as (left)Monthly showed photos of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan.The Weibo has also been deleted.(Weibo screenshot)

Some netizens mocked, "Zhao Lijian's wife's father can still live in the ICU, how many elderly people do not have 120 at home, no green code, people are gone."I do n’t care, do you care about the life and death of others? "Criticive her" neither understands science nor humanity. "

Faced with the turbulent public opinion, Tang Tianru sent a Weibo on Wednesday to clarify the rumors.She said, "I work and live in Beijing, and lined up as nuclear acids like everyone. I would go abroad because of work needs. I have never had any Patek Philippe watches.Everyone wants to see the purpose of destroying him when people attack. "

But after opening the comment selection on the Weibo of Tang Tianru" and "one -click protection mode", netizens who have nowhere to vent onThe Weibo of his husband Zhao Lijian also poured into the message area of the harmonious style of painting. Many netizens left a series of "good" words to indirectly express their dissatisfaction with Mrs. Zhao Lijian.

Just as the vortex of public opinion rolled deeper and deeper, Tang Tianru, who had fought with netizens a few days later, deleted almost everything above on Weibo on Weibo, leaving only one of the "clarification" explanation, and it seemed to be preparing to stun the flag.

Under the prevention and control of China's strict epidemic, the anxiety of the people is easily ignited, and they are eager to find a vent.In the chart of public opinion, even the pond fish, I am afraid she could not expect it.