The Ministry of Public Security of China and the sixth Pacific Island Police held the first ministerial dialogue this week. Scholars interviewed and judged that China will continue to expand the influence of the Pacific Ocean; although these island Congress seek contact with the country according to the national interests, due to the seeking contact with large powers according to national interests, due to the exposure to large powers, due to the country's interests, due to the fact that they are in contact with large powers, due to the national interests, due to their contacts, they will contact the great powers according to their national interests.The country is smaller and will face challenges when facing the requirements of the big country.

The Minister of Public Security of China Wang Xiaohong had the first ministerial dialogue with the police of six South Pacific Island countries on Tuesday (November 22).This is after China seeking a broad regional agreement with 10 island countries in Pacific in May this year, and tried to launch security cooperation with these island nations again.

Yang Jiesheng, an associate professor of politics and international relations at the University of Wellington Victoria, and director of the Contemporary China Research Center of New Zealand, pointed out in a joint morning newspaper that the latest round of cooperation dialogue shows that China will continue to strengthen bilateral and multilateral contacts with regional island countries and explore the police.Wait for cooperation in new fields.

Qiu Jixiang, an associate professor of the Department of Political Sciences at the School of Social Sciences at the University of Otto University in New Zealand, also believes that China will continue to seek cooperation with some Pacific Island countries with common interests, which means that the Politics of Politics will continue to exist in the region and strategic competition will become increasingly fierce.

China and the West continue to launch political wrestling in the Pacific region

China and Western countries have continued to launch political wrestling in the Pacific in the past year.In May this year, China sought a regional agreement covering a police, security, trade, maritime and digital communication cooperation with 10 Pacific island countries.Although the parties did not reach a consensus in the end, the move caused Western concerns about the rapid expansion of Beijing's influence in the region, and prompted the West to increase the diplomatic operations and economic assistance to these island countries.

In April this year, China and the Solomon Islands signed a security cooperation framework agreement, which also caused high vigilance from the United States and Australia.The United States and Australia are concerned that China may deploy troops in the Solomon Islands and set up military bases.The Solomon Islands sent more than 30 police officers to China in October this year to receive police skills training, highlighting the further deepening of the security relations between the two countries.

Although the Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogovre denied the security agreement signed with China, it would allow Beijing to set up a military base in local, but this did not dispel the concerns of Western countries.The United States, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom established the "PARTNARS in the Blue Pacific" in June this year to compete in China ’s increasing influence in the Pacific region.

According to the China Official Media People's Daily, Wang Xiaohong pointed out when he hosted the law enforcement capabilities and police cooperative ministry -level dialogue on Tuesday that through this mechanism, he hopes to establish a more friendly and efficient cooperative relationship and method to improve the establishment of a mechanism to enhance the improvement.More professional law enforcement capabilities to escort regional economic and social development.

Yang Jiesheng analyzed that although the Pacific Island Congress sought a mechanism to participate in the national interests, after all, these countries were smaller and how to respond to a series of meetings, initiatives and activities proposed by major powers.He said: "For many island nations, participating in regional police and security dialogue is a sensitive topic."

Co -hosted the Solomon Islands Police, Minister of National Security and Punishment, Victoria.The Xinhua News Agency reported that other representatives of the island nations including Fiji, Vanuatu, Kiribas, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea Police.

However, ministers and policemen of at least two countries failed to attend the meeting.The spokesman for the Tangjia Police confirmed to Reuters that the police minister and the police director did not attend the meeting and were attended by other representatives.Papua New Guinea Police Director did not attend the meeting and was attended by the police prisoner.The photos of the Chinese Embassy in Fiji also showed that only Victoria was a ministerial official among all the participants.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australian officials pay close attention to the dialogue and are worried about Beijing's ambitious plans in the Pacific region; officials are also uneasy about Beijing's expansion of police training programs in the Solomon Islands.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian on Wednesday (23rd), in response to reporters' questions, emphasized that the cooperation between China and the Pacific island nation is open and transparent.State interference.

Although the Pacific Island Congress sought a mechanism to participate in national interests, after all, these countries are small in size and how to respond to a series of meetings, initiatives, and activities proposed by major powers.

—— Yang Jiesheng, Director of the Contemporary China Research Center of New Zealand