
Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

A friend in Haidian District, Beijing told me that he was asked to be isolated at home, and the door was posted on a seal because the coronary virus infection appeared on the same day when he had been to a shopping mall he had been to.

The friend complained: "I am not a close person to the infected person, but the time and space is accompanied. According to the official ninth edition of the prevention and control scheme, the personnel of time and space should conduct a 'three days and two inspections.However, the community still requires me and my family at home for seven days, saying that this is the provisions of the superiors. "" Isn't this a 'one?' 20 can not be implemented at all. "

"Twenty" said that the "20" of Chinese officials is the official prevention and control measures for the optimization of the epidemic on November 11, which includes shortening the quarantine period, no densely connected secrets, and so on.It is generally believed that Article 20 marks the obvious relaxation of the control measures of epidemic conditions, which is an important step for China's towards precision prevention and control and gradually relaxing control.

After the promulgation of Article 20, the epidemic in various parts of China has continued to increase, and large cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Tianjin and other large cities have broken defense.On November 19, 69 newly confirmed cases and 552 asymptomatic infections were added in Beijing, of which 122 were social screening staff; 1050 new local diagnosis was added in Guangzhou, with 8,234 asymptomatic infected; Chongqing added newly added;There are 183 local diagnosis, with 4,527 asymptomatic infected; 122 newly added local infections in Tianjin.

As the epidemic broke out again, high -risk points in various places increased significantly, and the control of epidemic control has a trend of turning back.The so -called backbone is based on the main seal and all the nucleic acids.As a result, not only did the friend of Beijing Haidian District not only feel the convenience brought by Article 20, but was more stringent restrictions; Guangzhou demanded to strengthen the epidemic prevention and control measures;House, concentric and fighting, do not go out, do nucleic acid; Tianjin continues to ask for all staff nucleic acids.

The Mainstream Official Media People's Daily has also published seven comments from November 12, emphasizing "unswervingly implementing the strategy of external prevention input and internal defense rebound", "firmly implementing the" dynamic clear zero 'general policy"," There is a responsibility to keep the soil, keep the soil, "take more resolute and decisive measures to attack, and curb the spread of the epidemic spread as soon as possible" and so on.

Under the official high -profile requirements to curb the spread of the epidemic spread as soon as possible, localities must naturally strengthen prevention and control measures to allow the society to return to the dull state of strict preservation of death.As for whether it is "one -size -fits -all" or "layer layer", I am afraid that it can't control much.Many people fell back to the freezing point because of the publicity and optimism of the issuance of 20 articles.

After the promulgation of Article 20, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, once canceled checking check -up in public places and was regarded by the outside world as the "pilot" of relaxation and control.On November 19, Shijiazhuang added 423 new natives of infection. Shijiazhuang released news that in the next three days, community institutions, clinics, and outpatients have suspended diagnosis and treatment activities to support all streets and communities, and all personnel participate in nucleic acid collection work.Netizens believe that Shijiazhuang has restored all nucleic acid screening.

Hebei Province's official request: Do your best to achieve no gathering or tie. If there are no special circumstances, minimize going out as much as possible, do not leave the village (community), reduce contact with foreign personnel, do not leave the city, and do not go to the high -risk zone.

Obviously, Shijiazhuang City's cancellation of check -up checking acid has been frustrated, and whether it can persist to become a question mark."One of them" is still the simplest and lightest control measures in various places.

But the question is that although "one of them" is simple, it has been proven to be effective in the past. In the moment when virus mutations and spread are getting faster and faster, can "one block" achieve the previous effect?

After Article 20, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing and other places did not relax and control, and the epidemic spread was still difficult to curb, showing that the rapid spread of the virus has exceeded the original control measures.Some people suggest that these places should learn from the lessons of the outbreak of the Shanghai epidemic in the first half of this year, and adopt the city's "silent", that is, the "sealing city" model in Wuhan in 2020 to extinguish the epidemic.

But after nearly three years of strict control, Chinese social psychology has changed significantly.How long can the people's control of the "sealed city" style be able to endure. Whether China's economy and foreign exchanges can bear the impact of "silence" caused by large cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chongqing, all of which are unreasonable.Not good, not only did the epidemic not controlled, but the economy and society could also get out of control.

Although the official has repeatedly emphasized that twenty articles are not relaxing prevention and control, nor is it liberalized and "lying flat", recently on the Internet of China on the Internet about "strict control" and "relaxation" significantly.On the whole, there are more and more supporting sounds.

Putting the emotional accusations such as ideology and "conspiracy theory", "strict control" and "relaxation" point of view seem to make sense."Strict control" believes that adherence to strict control is to protect the health of the people, especially the elderly, and prevent the large -scale outbreak of the epidemic.It has losses more than the spread of the epidemic.

Surging News reported on November 19 that Jin Dongyan, a professor at the Professor of Li Jiacheng Medical College of the University of Hong Kong, said that at this stage, the pathogenesis of virus Omircor's mutant strain has been greatly reduced, which is unlikely to cause medical resources."Many people's understanding of the new crown virus is still on the epidemic of Wuhan. This is also the most needed to explain the most."

Jin Dongyan is telling the truth.But under the atmosphere of strict control at present, no experts in the Chinese system can tell the truth.

Obviously, China wants to get out of the epidemic trouble. While accurately prevent control and popularize vaccination, it is necessary to make the general public more comprehensive and scientifically understand the changes and harm of the virus, and eliminate people's blind fear of the virus."One of them" may still be able to control the place for a while, but it is no longer a long plan.