With the introduction of 20 articles to prevent and control of the epidemic, the purchase and demand of the purchase and demand of the ventilator, oxygen maker, and the oxygen instrument on the Chinese social platform increased significantly.A certain e -commerce platform brand blood oxygen instrument product has temporary out of stock.On Tuesday, a number of companies with ventilator and oxygen -making products on Tuesday rose sharply. Among them, Yuyue Medical daily limit, Yihe Jiaye rose 19.38%, Kefu medical treatment rose 14%.

According to the CCP's report, China announced the optimization of the epidemic prevention and control of 20 articles on Friday.It is required to accelerate the reserve of crown disease treatment related drugs and medical equipment to strengthen the protection of key groups.

In this context, the sound of the purchase of ventilator, oxygen maker and blood oxygen instrument is increasing.On Tuesday, many companies with ventilator and oxygen -making products rose sharply on Tuesday. For example, Yuyue Medical Life daily limit, Yihe Jiaye's income rose 19.38%, Kefu's medical treatment rose 14%.

Kefu Medical stated on the interactive platform that the breathing support sector is one of the five major categories of the company. The main products include ventilator, oxygen maker, atomizer, nasal care products, etc.Since last year, the company has launched multiple models of new oxygen -making machines, and is also accelerating the development of new ventilator.

The media viewing the Fishyue Jingdong Ziying flagship store on Monday found that the company's three blood oxygen instruments can be placed, but YX302 and YX102 products are currently in a "procurement" state. It is expected that there will be after November 20th.The goods, another YX306 blood oxygen instrument can be shipped directly.

Yuyue Medical responded to the optimization of the epidemic prevention and control of 20, coupled with the autumn and winter seasons, respiratory infectious diseases have entered a high incidence season. Recently, Yuyue Medical respiratory oxygen demand has increased.Taking the full-cycle of Double Eleven as an example, Yuyue Oxygen Machinery JD.com and Tmall brand sales and sales are the first. Among them, 5-liter oxygen machine 8F-5AW single-day sales exceeded 10 million.Fish Yue Vecents and atomizer JD single product sales and sales are the first.

In the company's production capacity, Yuyue Medical reported to the CPPCC reporter that the company's production capacity in the field of respiratory oxygen can meet demand.In the field of oxygen -making, Yuyue Medical has the longest oxygen production line production line in the world. In recent years, the production capacity has increased significantly, and it has the largest production scale of the world's largest oxygen maker.

Previously, due to the increase in demand for global ventilator and oxygen maker, the epidemic had increased the demand for oxygen -making machines, and Yueyue Medical's breathing and oxygen -making sector increased significantly. In 2020 and 2021About 440 million yuan) and 2.62 billion yuan.

However, the necessity of configuring the oxygen -making machine and ventilator due to the epidemic is more controversial.

Wang Qiang, a medical device marketing expert, said in an interview that the unit price of the blood oxygen instrument is low, mainly due to auxiliary monitoring.Oxygen -making machines and ventilator are separated from medical models. The concepts are different, and the product technology content is different. Medical categories are the treatment effects, and the home category plays an auxiliary role, mainly to meet temporary needs.

Wang Qiang used the oxygen making machine as an example. The core difference between medical oxygen making machine and household oxygen maker is that the oxygen concentration is different. Generally speaking, the oxygen concentration of medical oxygen making machine is 93%(China Standard is 93%± 3%), and it can be continuously uninterrupted and uninterrupted, while the concentration of household oxygen making machines is mostly about 30%-50%, and the continuous working hours are limited.

The staff of the offline stores in Nanjing's medical device offline store said that if they pay more attention to blood oxygen, they can buy blood oxygen instruments.Recently, the ventilator and oxygen maker are also selling well, but most of the customers are due to their own needs, such as snoring and breathing.

Wang Qiang also recognizes those who have basic diseases of the respiratory basic diseases can buy oxygen -making machines and ventilator for later use. Some elderly people with basic diseases can also prepare oxygen supply facilities if possible, but they also emphasize that once they occur, once they occur, it will occur.The emergency still has to go to the hospital for treatment in time.