(Liaoning News) Liu Guoqiang, the former deputy secretary and vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Political Consultative Conference of the Liaoning Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was sentenced to more than 352 million yuan (RMB, more than S $ 68 million) in the first trial of the first trial due to his bribery.

According to China CCTV News, the Tianjin First Intermediate People's Court sentenced Liu Guoqiang to death on Tuesday (November 8th) and confiscated all personal property., Lifetime imprisonment, not to be reduced or released.

68 -year -old Liu Guoqiang is the first senior official to be sentenced to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.He was accused of helping relevant units and individuals during the position of Liaoning Provincial Deputy Governor and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC from 2006 to 2016, and helped relevant units and individuals in terms of corporate operations, project approval, obtaining financial funds and job promotion.

Liu Guoqiang was also accused of receiving a total of more than 352 million yuan from 2008 to 2020, and the total of more than RMB 352 million, of which 49 million yuan has not been actually obtained.

Liu Guoqiang was dismissed in July 2020, was expelled from the party in January 2021, and was tried in the Tianjin No. 1 Intermediate Court in August.

Since Liu Guoqiang's crimes are truthfully confessed after the case, most of the facts that the case handling agency has not yet mastered the crime of bribery, and most of the bribery and stolen money have been pursued to the case.Perform death penalty.