
Jingqiang Xinyun

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is imminent. On September 25th, the official announced the list of 2296 major representatives to attend the conference on September 25.

These 2,296 representatives, representing more than 96 million members of the Communist Party of China, were generated from 38 election units.In addition to 31 provincial and municipal autonomous regions, it also includes the central government, the central state organs, the PLA, the Armed Police Force, the central financial system, the central enterprise (in Beijing) system, as well as one of the National Taiwan Federation, the Central Hong Kong Working Committee, and the Central Macau Working CommitteeIndependent unit.

The official media Xinhua News Agency on Monday (September 26) introduced the process of the 20th National Congress and the composition of the representative of the 20th National Congress.

Like the previous party congress of the Communist Party of China, leading cadres at or above the departments and bureau levels still occupy the main part of the 20th National Congress, including more than 300 central members and central alternate members of the new Central Committee of the Central Committee;Only one -third of the Communist Party members who work on the front line are one -third of the representatives.

Although the proportion of female party members' representatives is still low, it increases 68 from the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to 619; in terms of cultural level, 95.4 % of college degree or above, which is 1.2 percentage points higher than the 19th National Congress.

However, in terms of age structure, the 20th National Congress represents "long age", with an average age of 52.2 years, 0.4 years older than the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Among them, there were 1,371 representatives under the age of 55, accounting for 59.7 %; this was significantly reduced by 1615 at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the proportion of all representatives decreased by more than 10 percentage points.

Some analysts believe that the average age of the 20th National Congress has increased the average age as a whole, especially the representatives over the age of 55 have increased significantly, release signals that may not be reserved by age and the "old man".

The chapters of the "Party Cadres" in the Communist Party's Constitution clarify that "strive to achieve the revolutionary, younger, knowledgeable, and professionalization of the cadre team," attach importance to education, training, selection, assessment, and supervision cadres, especially in particular, especially inCultivate and select outstanding young cadres. "

However, in the selection and employment mechanism, the Chinese Communist Party has also proposed to "resolutely correct the bias of only votes, only points, GDP, and only age, etc.The meaning of age is not only to be young but outstanding, and the older leading cadres may also be promoted and reused.

In the past, the age of the CCP's leading cadres had a great impact.At the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2002, except for Hu Jintao, who took over as the General Secretary, all the remaining six of the 15th Politburo Standing Committee members left office. The youngest was Li Ruihuan, then the chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, at the age of 68.From then on, "seven, eight, and eight" (67 -year -old stayed in office, and retired at the age of 68) became an unwritten line method that the CCP's leadership team "changed blood".

Before the 19th National Congress of 2017, Wang Qishan, then member of the Politburo Standing Committee, attracted much attention.After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wang Qishan, who was in charge of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, made great contributions to anti -corruption work and enjoyed a high reputation within the party.Whether he will stay as a member of the Politburo Standing Committee after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has various imaginations.However, at that time, the 69 -year -old Wang Qishan finally stepped down as the Standing Committee of the Politburo and did not enter the 19th Central Committee.Although he served as Vice President in March of the following year, he did not break the practice of "seven up and eight".

In accordance with this rule, except for Chinese officials, among the 24 members of the Politburo, 11 people are more than 68 years old, including Li Zhanshu and Han Zheng, including two member of the Politburo Standing Committee.Li Zhanshu was born in 1950 and is 72 years old this year. Han Zheng, born in 1954, is 68 years old.

Among the current members of the Politburo, Wang Chen, Liu He, Xu Qiliang, Sun Chunlan, Yang Jiechi, and Zhang Youxia are already 70 years old.They have spent 68 years old.

However, will "seven up and eight below" must be adhered to, or is it possible to be broken?After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xinhua News Agency once titled the strong leadership collective entitled to the new era -the party's new central leadership institution produced documentary articles mentioned: "Party and state leadership positions are not 'iron chairs''The iron hat ', which is in line with age, may not necessarily continue to nominate. It is mainly based on the political performance, integrity and career needs of candidates.

At the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the precedent for the departure of the Politburo of the Politburo under the age of 67.The Chinese Communist Party is expected to open the third term after the 20th National Congress, which also makes the outside world have reason to believe that under special circumstances, those who are already 68 years old may also stay in office due to "career needs".Among them, Wang Yi, a 69 -year -old Chinese State member and foreign minister, is regarded by some observers as one of the popular candidates from Yang Jiechi, a member of the Politburo and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee.

If there are such arrangements, the practice of "seven up and eight" will not be unchanged, but some effects will still occur, which will bring greater flexibility and telescopic space to the CCP's personnel arrangements.Only when the institutionalization and transparency levels are still low, to the extent, these arrangements reflect the will of different members of the upper layers. What they consider judging and what decisive process is always a question mark for the outside world.