After discovering the new crown disease cases in Futian District, Shenzhen, Monday (September 26) decided to seal control in multiple places in Shawei District.A protest, hundreds of people shouted "unblocking."

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, some people threw a mineral water bottle to the police that day, and physical conflicts occurred at the scene. A large number of policemen went to the scene to maintain stability.The online video shows that several police officers stepped forward to maintain order. A police officer also held a blue banner with a blue banner saying "Police law enforcement, so stay tuned to cooperate."

The Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Committee notified on the website that 10 positive cases were added to Shenzhen on the 26th, seven of which were confirmed cases, and the remaining three were asymptomatic infected.

These 10 people include two men aged 32 and live in Shawei Comprehensive Building in Shawei West Village and Shawei Village.

The prevention and control headquarters of Futian District, Shenzhen also announced on the same day that from 2 pm that day, many buildings in Shawei West Village and Shawei Village Shawei Comprehensive Building A are listed as high risk.In the district, the "non -leaving and door -to -door service" seal -control measures will be implemented, and it will be adjusted in a timely manner according to the changes in the prevention and control situation of the epidemic.