(Beijing Comprehensive News) Chinese official expected to meet with Russian President Putin this week to meet the second face -to -face meeting during the year."Promote international order in a more fair and reasonable direction."

According to Xinhua News Agency, when Yang Jiechi met with the upcoming Russian ambassador to the Russian ambassador to China on the 12th, under the leadership of the Chinese official and Putin strategy, the relationship between the two countries has always been determined along the correct track.The two sides firmly support each other on the issues of the core interests of each other, and work closely on international multilateral occasions.

Yang Jiezheng also said that China is willing to do with Russia to continue to do the connotation of high -level strategic collaboration between the two countries, safeguard the common interests of the two sides, and promote the development of international order towards a more fair and reasonable direction.

The Russian official media Tus News reported that Jenisov proposed to Yang Jiechi that under the leadership of the two heads of state, Russian -China relations have achieved significant results, reaching an unprecedented high level in history, and are entering the new era.

The first Chinese official to attend the Shanghe Summit today

On the day of Yang Jieye's meeting with Jenisov, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Chinese officials will attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Samarham, Uzbekistan from September 14th to 16th, and are invited to Kazakhstan and UzbekiStan conducted a state visit.This is the first time that the official Chinese official has broke out of the crown disease.

In addition, Chinese officials are expected to hold a second offline meeting with Putin during the Shanghai Winter Olympics during the SCO Summit.This will also be the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February.

According to Bloomberg, the upcoming "Xi Pu" has added another series of diplomatic activities between Beijing and Moscow in recent weeks.Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the National People's Congress of China, first met and delivered a speech with Putin at the 7th Oriental Economic Forum held at Vladivostok on the 7th.Prior to this, the Chinese and Indian troops also participated in the "Oriental-20122" joint annual military exercise hosted by Russia in early September.