On the last day of the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, Evergrande, one of the largest real estate agents in China, came from Evergrande's latest developments.Evergrande Chairman Xu Jiayin requested in a meeting held on Monday (September 12) that all construction projects must be fully resumed before September 30.

In the photos released by Evergrande Group's official WeChat, Xu Jiayin was sitting in the middle, and the red banner behind him was printed with a large word: "Dabbing and hard work, trying to work hard for the re -production and re -production."

The Evergrande Group, which is deeply trapped in the financial crisis, has 706 projects listed in "Insurance and Communications" throughout China. There are 668 projects that have been resumed in work and 38 projects that have not been resumed.According to Xu Jiayin, 606 of the currently resumed projects have reached normal construction level, and 62 are restoring the normal construction process.He requested that all projects must reach the normal level of normal construction before September 30.

From the introduction of Xu Jiayin, a total of 100 are being resumed and unauthorized projects, accounting for about 14%of the total, and 86%of the projects with normal construction levels.This effect looks pretty good.However, the sales situation of Evergrande Group's sales is sharply declined, so whether the funds can keep up and how long can the resumption last become a question.

Kerry research data shows that from January to August this year, Evergrande's full -caliber sales amount was only 29.57 billion yuan (RMB, Same as Sim, S $ 5.95 billion), and the sales amount of equity was 28.13 billion yuan, Forty and 31st in the Chinese real estate sales list respectively.Such sales performance is very dim. Previously, Evergrande has been in the top three sales list for a long time.

The document of the Hong Kong company registry display, EvergrandeThe Hong Kong Headquarters Building has been taken over.The picture shows the archives of Evergrande's Hong Kong headquarters building.(Internet)

Lost Hong Kong Headquarters Building

While the sales situation is drastic, Evergrande Group also loses the control of the Evergrande Center of Hong Kong Headquarters Building due to owed bank loans.

According to Bloomberg, the documents of the Hong Kong company registry show that Evergrande's Hong Kong headquarters building has been taken over.This building has a property control of more than 1 billion US dollars (S $ 1.4 billion), and is one of Evergrande's most valuable assets in Hong Kong.Evergrande was mortgaged in 2020 with Evergrande Center in exchange for the 7.6 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 1.35 billion) loan led by CITIC Bank International.

7.6 billion Hong Kong dollars loans, but a small part of the huge debt held by Evergrande.Evergrande Executive Director Sean said at the investor conference call at the end of March that the scale of direct debt of Evergrande's overseas debt was about $ 22.7 billion.

Evergrande is currently in debt restructuring, but the timetable has repeatedly delayed.Evergrande had previously stated many times and strived to propose a preliminary reorganization plan by the end of July this year.However, on July 29, Evergrande only announced a preliminary reorganization framework, saying that the final plan will be announced in 2022.

Under several negligible contracts, Chinese netizens have doubts about Xu Jiayin's commitment this time, thinking that Evergrande is a "active resumption", so as to soothe public emotions. After allThe timetable for the completion of the real estate is not clear. It is also unknown where to use money to encourage employees to "big dry and dry".

Some netizens dug out the old accounts that Evergrande Wealth's wealth management products expired in 2021, and a group of Evergrande executives completed the redemption of redemption in advance. They believed that Xu Jiayin had no reputation.Henan Business Daily reported in September last year that internal staff revealed that Xu Jiayin's wife Ding Yumei, Chairman of Evergrande Fortune Du Liang, and his father, etc. Evergrande executives have completed the redemption in advance before other investors.

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China held a meeting at the end of July, for the first time"Insurance and Communications" is written into the Politburo Conference Documents.The picture shows a residential building in Shanghai on July 20.(Reuters)

Taiyuan and Zhengzhou and other local governments urged housing companies to move work.Only in this way can we satisfy the owners, we can restore sales, resume operations, and repay various debts and get out of the predicament. "

EvergrandeThe slogan is very similar to the Zhengzhou Municipal Government.Before Evergrande held the meeting, cities such as Zhengzhou and Taiyuan, Henan Province successively issued a notice to urge the construction of the construction of the building to start construction.

The documents were issued on September 7th in Zhengzhou, which clearly required "big dry 30 days" to ensure a resumption of work in the shutdown real estate by October 6.Subsequently, Taiyuan City also followed up on September 9.

Taiyuan City directly named housing companies and requires construction as soon as possible.The names include 41 real estate companies including Evergrande Group, OCT, R & F Real Estate, Sunac and Yuanda Real Estate Group.Taiyuan also asked the leaders to take the lead in the real estate of one or two issues of major suspension.

In July of this year, China ’s national“ suspension of work and suspension ”was smoky.Due to the broken capital chain of real estate developers, real estate projects have stopped working, causing buyers to fall into the desperate situation of "rotten tail".In desperation, they announced that they would unilaterally stop paying the mortgage house to the bank until the project was completely resumed.

The Think Tank Center of the Yiju Research Institute has issued a report statistics. As of July 16, there were at least 271 discount notices in China, from Henan, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces.54 copies, and the provincial capital Zhengzhou accounted for 32 real estate.

Due to the serious situation, the Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting at the end of July.

As the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held on October 16, the political pressure of the "guarantee of the insurance" facing the local government may be particularly great, especially in Zhengzhou and other cities of Henan, which has a high incidence of loan tide.This pressure is then transmitted to real estate companies.

Some netizens are worried that Xu Jiayin's "Dan Gan Special" this time is to maintain the people's hearts and deal with the crisis in front of you. When the October conference passed, the project that could not keep up withEssence

The "Golden Nine Silver Ten" in the peak season of traditional Chinese real estate has arrived, but the housing market is still cold.Whether the "guarantee to the property" is just a slogan, it takes time to prove it.