Queen Elizabeth II died on Thursday (September 8).The 96 -year -old elderly personally witnessed turbulence and glory and experienced the ups and downs of the times.

As the longest time in British history, her reigning time is nine years older than the oldest Emperor Kangxi in Chinese history.In the 70 years of reign, she experienced the ups and downs of Sino -British relations and maintained a special relationship with China.

The Chinese leader seen by the Queen

After the Chinese Communist Party's establishment in 1949, Britain was one of the first countries that recognized China's legitimate status.The two countries established an agency diplomatic relations in 1954, and promoted this relationship into a ambassador in 1972.

The then Chinese Prime Minister Hua Guofeng visited the UK in 1979, becoming the first head of the Chinese government to visit the UK.During the visit of Hua Guofeng, Elizabeth II held a grand welcome ceremony and enrollment in Buckingham Palace.

Visit Britain in 1979 in Hua GuofengAt that time, Elizabeth II held a grand welcome ceremony and enrollment in Buckingham Palace.(Hua Guofeng Memorial)

In the following years, the relationship between China and Britain was dominated by the future negotiations of Hong Kong, and the attention of both parties focused on this issue.

On December 19, 1984, then Chinese Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang and British Prime Minister Sachel signed a joint statement in Beijing in Beijing to clarify that Hong Kong's sovereignty was transferred to China on July 1, 1997.

Sino -British relations are then opened for a honeymoon period.During this time, Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang visited the United Kingdom as the Chinese Prime Minister and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and Elizabeth II also realized the first visit to China by the British monarch in 1986.This is also the only time for the Queen of England to set foot in mainland China.

With the transfer of sovereignty in Hong Kong in 1997, the relationship between China and Britain entered a new stage.In 1998 and 1999, the then Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji and the Chinese President Jiang Zemin visited the UK respectively.

Zhu Rongji visited the UK in 1998Meet with the Queen of England.(Internet)

Jiang Zemin's visit to Britain in October 1999 is the first national visit to Britain for the heads of China. It is also a return visit to China in October 1986 in Elizabeth II.At the grand national banquet held in Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth II mentioned a "coincidence": she was born in the same year as Jiang Zemin, and it is a tiger according to the Chinese zodiac.

In November 2005, Chinese President Hu Jintao also visited the United Kingdom.

Two Chinese prime ministers after Zhu Rongji visited the British and were also received by Elizabeth II.Wen Jiabao and Li Keqiang visited the UK in 2004 and 2014, and met with the Queen of Britain in Windsor Castle.Windsor Castle is the official residence of Elizabeth II on the outskirts of London, and the queen live here for a considerable part of time.

May 11, 2004, Queen Elizabeth, Queen of BritainThe II met with former Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, who was officially visited in London in Buckingham Palace.(Internet)

During the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping in October 2015, the Queen received with high -specifications.Her official account on social media Twitter issued five posts to visit the preheat, and also invited Xi Jinping couples to attend the private luncheon he hosted.

The Queen visited China to hand over a letter to 390 years.

After the Queen died, the history of her visit to China 36 years ago was reorganized by many Chinese media.

On October 12, 1986, the special plane of Elizabeth II landed at the Beijing Capital International Airport. She became the first head of Britain to visit mainland China.

In this visit, the Queen met with Chinese leaders such as Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang, Li Xiannian.She and her husband Prince Philip visited many regions such as Beijing, Shaanxi, Guangdong, and Yunnan, and visited the Palace Museum, Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors and other famous monuments.

Queen to visit during his visit to China in October 1986Terracotta warriors.(Internet)
ElizabethWhen I visited China in October 1986, they met with Deng Xiaoping.(Internet)

Elizabeth II gave Li Xiannian a letter late to 390 years.This is a letter written by Elizabeth I wrote to the Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty in 1596. She hopes that trade between Britain and China can develop.However, the messenger sent the letter unfortunately, causing the letter to not be delivered.

When Elizabeth II gave this letter, Li Xiannian said: "Fortunately, the postal business since 1602 has improved.This invitation has given us great joy. "

Visit Hong Kong twice

Elizabeth II's visit to Hong Kong in 1975 and 1986, respectively, was warmly welcomed.

When she visited Hong Kong for the first time, she went to Jiaxian Street Market in Central, Awentian Aimin Village and other places to communicate with the people, and she was very close to the people and has no shelves.Among them, the scene of the swimming pool in Huangdaxian Motus Park is the most impressive.At that time, a large group of children wrapped around the queen curiously, and she showed a bright smile to talk to the children.

During the first visit to Hong Kong in 1975, he went to Jiaxian Street market in Central to communicate with the main exchange of files.S3FS-PUBLIC/2022-09/TMH5TULOJOLSY9V2_WKX6A-_oix7Jhanuir2jbo.jpg? Versionid = 9wzrxjefp2vdziglz_kwhjzvx4eix.2R "/>
British Queen When I arrived at the pool of the Motor Park, a large group of children surrounded her curiously, while the queen showed a bright smile andChildren talk. (Hong Kong Government News Office)

In 1986, after Elizabeth II ended his trip to China, he transferred to Hong Kong to visit.

She watched the Queen of the Red Pavilion in Hong KongVisiting Hong Kong Youth Elite Performance, Hong Kong's famous star Jackie Chan, Zhong Zhentao, Jacky Cheung, and Leslie Cheung took turns to sing, and Leslie Cheung was fortunate to shook hands with the Queen Queen as an artist.


Baijinham Palace on Thursday (September 8th) stated that the health status of the Queen of England has caused doctors to worry about medical supervision. This news makes mainland China and Hong Kong people watch the news all night.>

For the death of the queen, mainland and Hong Kong netizens have expressed condolences, and wish the deceased to enjoy peace forever.

The wheels of history are rolling forward. Many familiar old faces gradually teach the curtain on the stage of life, especially those who are described as" national cornerstone ".How much is a person who is not sure about the uncertain future.