The Price Department of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, together with the Consumption Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce, organizes industry associations, head breeding enterprises and slaughtering enterprises to hold meetings to analyze the supply and demand and price situation of pig markets, study and do a good job of maintaining the pig market and stabilityPrice work.The meeting generally judged that the supply of pigs and pork markets in the later period of this year is guaranteed, and the price is expected to run in a reasonable range.

According to the WeChat account of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, the relevant parties analyzed that the current price of pig food is in a reasonable range, and the average profit of pig farming heads is significantly higher than the historical average.It may lead to excessive increase in production capacity and the sharp decline in the later period, which is not conducive to the long -term healthy development of the industry.

For the later price trend, all parties believe that the current production capacity of pigs is generally reasonable and abundant, and the amount of sows can continue to rise continuously;Most head -headed companies plan to increase the quantity of the column month by month; after the weather turns cold, the growth rate of fattening pigs will increase, and the supply of pork will increase further.Overall judgment, the supply of pigs and pork markets in the later period of this year is guaranteed, and the price is expected to run in a reasonable range.

Participating companies unanimously stated that they will take the lead in doing a good job in the pig market to guarantee stable prices, strive to increase market supply, and promote the smooth operation of prices.The participating industry association stated that it will strengthen industry self -discipline and guide enterprises to maintain the rhythm of normal columns and not to stock up.In addition, some companies report that some of the recent self -media have deliberately rendered the atmosphere of price increases, and suggested that the state strengthen supervision and guide the market rational transactions.

Next, the Development and Reform Commission will continue to pay close attention to the dynamics of the pig market with relevant departments, take strong and effective measures in a timely manner to ensure the operation of pig prices in a reasonable range and promote the long -term healthy development of the industry.

China announced on Friday in August (CPI), an increase of 2.5%year -on -year, of which pork prices rose 22.4%, affecting CPI by about 0.30 percentage points; pork prices rose 0.4%month -on -month, affecting CPIThe rise is about 0.01 percentage points.