A collapse accident occurred on April 18, Zhengzhou Wuzhou Hot Spring Swim in Zhengzhou, Henan, causing three people to die.responsibility.

According to CCTV news reports, after investigation, the direct cause of the accident is that the structure of the swimming pool ceiling has been used in a humid environment for a long time.The rate is large, resulting in a serious insufficient strength and stability of the rod, and the stability caused by the load of the rods is severely exceeded that the strength of the material is beyond the material strength.Under the influence of the upper load, some poles of the steel roofs above the deep water area of the swimming pool are unstable, causing the roof structure to collapse.

The investigation determined that the large collapse of the "4.18" collapse of Zhengzhou Wuzhou Hot Spring Swimming Pavilion in Jinshui District was a production safety liability accident.18 accident responsible persons and eight responsible units were held accountable.

Zhengzhou Wuzhou Grand Hotel Club Co., Ltd., located in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City.Direct economic losses were 4.3458 million yuan (RMB, about S $ 876,000).