(Chengdu Comprehensive News) In some areas of southern China, there have been recent heavy rains. High -temperature weather in Sichuan, Chongqing and other places will gradually fade back from the 29th, and the situation of tight use of electricity has gradually eased.

But the new round of rainfall caused more than 3,600 people in Mianyang, Guangyuan, Aba and other places in Sichuan, and more than 46,400 people in the province transferred to danger in advance.

According to China News Service, the Sichuan Meteorological Observatory issued a heavy rain blue warning in the afternoon of last Saturday (27th).From 5 pm to 7 am on the evening of the 27th, seven cities (states), including Chengdu, Guangyuan, Ganzi Prefecture, Chengdu, Guangyuan, and Ganzi Prefecture in Sichuan. The maximum rainfall reached 165.1 millimeters and appeared in Xiling Town, Dayi County, Chengdu.

According to Global Network, China Central Meteorological Observatory said that due to rainfall and cold air, high -temperature weather in Sichuan, Chongqing and other places will gradually fade away from the 29th.From the 31st, the process of continued high temperature in the southern region ends.

China CCTV News reported that with the decline in temperature and rainfall in some areas, Sichuan's tension was relieved.The daily power generation capacity of Sichuan on the 28th was 460 million kilowatt -hours, which rose by 9.5%from the lowest value some time ago.As of 12 noon on the 28th, Sichuan general industrial and commercial electricity consumption has been restored.

However, meteorological experts reminded that the rainfall process durable for a long time and a large amount of rainfall.Shanhong floods and geological disasters have high weather risks in southern Shaanxi.