Under the control of high -pressure subtropics, the high temperature and hot weather in Chongqing to Jiangnan will continue in the next few days, and the highest temperature in Chongqing and other places will exceed 40 ° C.Southern Yunnan, South China and other places were affected by the remaining circulation of the typhoon "Magnolia", and a strong precipitation had occurred.

According to CCTV Finance reports, due to the extremely strong high -pressure high -pressure high -temperature weather, China has lasted more than 20 days since mid -July. Chongqing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and other places still rolled on Thursday (August 11).Hangzhou reached 40.9 ° C, hitting a new high this year.

The temperature of the Shanghai Xujiahui Station was rushed to more than 40 ° C again. This is the sixth local extreme hot weather that exceeds 40 ° C this year.The record of the number of days was previously recorded for five days in 2017.

Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory also released the sixth high -temperature red warning that is the highest level this summer.

In the next few days, the high temperature and hot weather in these areas will not stop. The high temperature intensity of Chongqing to Jiangnan has a long high temperature and long duration.Expand north.

Chongqing has been above 40 ° C in the past few days, and the highest temperature in the next seven days may be 40 ° C or more. If it is fulfilled, the number of days above 40 ° C will break the historical record of observation.

Meteorological experts remind that high temperature and hot weather continues, rainfall is small, and the weather and drought conditions in the area along the Yangtze River are continuously developed. At present, there are still no signs of high temperatures.Pay attention to the adverse effects of high temperature weather on agricultural production.

On the other hand, affected by the residual circulation of the typhoon "Magnolia", a strong precipitation appeared on Thursday southern Yunnan, South China and other places on Thursday, and the local area reached heavy rain or heavy rainfall.

The precipitation of Friday and Saturday in South China weakened and reduced, and the precipitation of Huanghuai and other places was still strong in these two days.In addition, two days on the weekend, precipitation in the central and eastern parts of Inner Mongolia, North China, Northeast China and other places will continue to develop.