Chinese representatives in the United Nations deeply concerned about the recent attacks on the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station, saying that although it did not cause a direct threat to nuclear security, it still sounded the "nuclear alarm" to the international community.

Zhang Jun, a Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations, presided over the Security Council to consider the security issues of Ukraine nuclear facilities on Thursday (August 11), saying that China is highly concerned about the safety and security issues of nuclear facilities in Ukraine.The Robe Nuclear Power Station was deeply concerned.

Zhang Jun said that according to the information obtained from the official obtained by the international atomic energy agency from the Ukraine nuclear regulatory, the attack did not directly threatened the nuclear security, and the radiation value was still at a normal level.Safety and security systems, power supply and personnel caused damage caused by the safety of the international community.

Zhang Jun emphasized that the safety and security of nuclear facilities cannot be tried and error.The Zapolo Nuclear Power Station is one of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe. Once a large -scale nuclear accident occurs, it may be more serious than the Fukushima nuclear accident.A large amount of radioactive material leakage caused by Fukushima nuclear accidents and nuclear pollution water have a profound impact on marine environment, food safety and human health. China does not want the same risk to repeat the same risks.

Zhang Jun called for the relevant parties to maintain restraint, act carefully, avoid taking the actions that endanger nuclear safety and nuclear security, and do their best to reduce the occurrence of accidents.At the same time, it is hoped that the relevant obstacles can be eliminated as soon as possible, so that the expert team of the international atomic energy institution can go to the Zaparo Nuclear Power Station as soon as possible to work smoothly.

Zhang Jun said that the Ukraine crisis lasted for more than five months, and the safety risks of conflict on nuclear facilities always existed.Only by promoting the cooling situation and restoring peace as soon as possible can we fundamentally relieve nuclear risks, reduce misjudgments, and avoid accidents.

He said that China once again called on all parties to resume negotiations as soon as possible, looking for the Ukrainian crisis in a calm and rational attitude to solve the reasonable and safe concerns of each other, build a balanced, effective, and sustainable safety structure, realize the realization of each other, and realize it.Common safety.

The Zapolo Nuclear Power Station is located in southern Ukraine and is currently under the control of the Russian army.According to media reports, starting from August 5, the area where the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station was located has been repeatedly shot, and Russia and Ukraine have accused the opponent of attack.

The United Nations Secretary -General Gutres also expressed serious concerns about the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station and the surrounding situation on Thursday, and said that the continued hostile operation may "cause disaster".All military activities.