The security guard of the Hainan Hospital illegally used handcuffs to control others at nucleic acid dots and was detained by administrative detention for 10 days.

According to the police report issued by "Haikou Public Security", a 46 -year -old man on Tuesday (August 9) at 19 o'clock at 19 o'clock, To maintain order at the scene, Han (male, 36 years old) was simple and rude, with physical conflicts with the man, and illegally controlled it to control it.

The police of the local police station summoned the two parties to the handling after arriving.Men criticize education.

The situation of Hainan's epidemic situation is severe. The provincial leadership sends out a decisive mobilization and assault order to the province, and set the goal of achieving a clear society before August 12.

285 new local diagnosis cases were added on Tuesday, of which 175 were in Sanya; 285 were newly added infected with no symptoms, including 235 cases in Sanya.

Hainan's this round of epidemic reports a total of 1,567 local confirmed cases, of which 1210 cases in Sanya City; 848 cases of non -symptoms in the local area and 736 cases in Sanya.