Mainland China PLA implements military exercises around Taiwan. Taiwan representative Xie Changting on Monday (August 8) said that the Japanese government strives to talk to the mainland and does not want to intensify the matter.But under the table, some Japanese civilians are doing detailed push.

For the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi visiting Taiwan, it triggered Beijing's launch of the "Locking Taiwan" military exercise.

Comprehensive Taiwan Media Central News Agency and Free Times reported that Xie Changting pointed out that the PLA's military exercise was trying to change the status quo with strength.He said that if everyone sees it, then this rule that international opposition is said to change the status quo with strength cannot be complied.

Xie Changting also said that at the seven major industrial groups, the Asian Foreign Minister's meeting, etc., Japan has seriously concerned about China ’s recent large -scale military exercises such as large -scale military exercises.Sound condemnation.

He pointed out that Japan strives to talk to China and does not want to intensify the matter, but under the table, some folk strategic organizations are doing detailed troops and discussions.

Xie Changting mentioned that the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was shot dead last month, once said, "There is something in Taiwan in Taiwan".Five of them landed in the sea area of the exclusive economic zone in Japan. Japan used the word "falling" and added quotes. It was believed that it was simply falling or the PLA's list of Japan as part of the exercise and was worth discussing.

Japan Defense Minister Anxinfu said on Thursday (4th) that the five ballistic missiles launched by China fell into the Japanese exclusive economic zone, and Japan had filed strong protests to China through diplomatic channels.

Xie Changting said that he saw that Japanese soldiers pushed this to discuss and study, because this is a serious issue, and he also learned that Japan was studying the withdrawal of overseas Chinese.He believes that Taiwan should also study that if there is a problem in Japan, Taiwan must accept the related matters of refugees. Because of the similar geographical geography of Taiwan, Okinawa and Naiguo Island are only about 110 kilometers away from Taiwan. In the event of an attack on that island, Taiwan also provides rescue.

For the PLA's military exercise around Taiwan, Xie Changting revealed that the Japanese always asked him, "Are you (Taiwanese) very nervous and panic?" He responded: "Taiwan because of this 50 because of this 50I have been threatened for the years, so I usually look at it. "