"I thought it would be sealed in Taiwan, and the results were sealed. "" I never thought that it was not Taiwan for a few days to block the island, and it was Hainan Island. "Acting, not Taiwan, it is Hainan Island! "This is the ridicule of Chinese netizens on social media in the past few days.The rebound of this second largest islands in China has no intersection with the PLA's "Locking Taiwan" military exercise. The association of netizens is so rich that it must be inspired to the severe epidemic situation.All of this starts from the first day of August.On the same day, a fishing port fishing was confirmed to be diagnosed with crown disease when the sampling point of the Yazhou motor station in Sanya City, Hainan.According to reports, the fishmongers have attended the banquet not long ago and also went to the market, clinics and other places -these are places where people gather.Sure enough, there were 13 cases related to it the next day. The police bell of the local government immediately rang, announcing the suspension of operating closed places such as KTV, chess and card rooms.At the same time, entering all local public places must provide 24 -hour nucleic acid negative proof.However, the virus was aggressive, and Sanya's temporary defense line was eventually lost.On August 4th, Sanya added more than 100 new infections, and the number of infected people increased dramatic, and strict epidemic prevention measures also followed; from 00:00 on the same day, in addition to some areas, Sanya City entered the regional control status.Scenic areas include Sanya Longwan International Rose Valley.

On August 6, Hainan Island OneThe beach is open.(Agence France -Presse)

But only two days later, Sanya implemented a state of control from some areas to further expand into static management in the whole region -this word originates from the implementation of the city's seized Jilin City at the beginning of the year.It refers to the premium controlled area personnel prohibit the departure from the household, the control of the region prohibit the community, except for the employees of the company, and the civil servants, volunteers, and police who participate in the epidemic prevention. Others are not allowed to move in the city.According to the understanding of ordinary people, this is equivalent to sealed the city.According to the "Sanya Release" WeChat account of the "Sanya Release" of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China on August 6, at 3:52 am on August 6: "The current Sanya outbreak prevention and control situation is very severe ... From August 6, 2022From 6 am, the city will implement temporary static management in the whole region. Except for ensuring basic social operation services, epidemic prevention and control, and emergency special circumstances, the city's scope restricted personnel flow and suspend the urban public transportation.The many announcements finally wrote: "I urge the general public to understand and support!" Yes, in addition to the million citizens living in Sanya, tourists who have poured from all over China to enjoy the sun beach are also the officials to appease.Tourism is the pillar industry of Sanya. Since 2016, tourism revenue has accounted for over 60%of the annual GDP income ratio of this seaside city, and its proportion in 2021 has reached 88.95%.In other words, tourists are the parents of many local people.

The vendor in Sanya, Hainan Island, ChinaSwimming circles and other items are sold on the beach.(Reuters archives)

In this context, Sanya officials dare not neglect the guests. One is to worry that these people will not return to visit in the future.The beautiful image in the hearts of the Chinese people further crack down on the local tourism industry.Zhong Ping Mao, deputy director of Sanya Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports Bureau, said on August 3 that Sanya has initiated a work mechanism for the special class to do a good job of ordering for orders caused by non -resistance factors such as epidemics.Sanya Deputy Mayor He Shigang said on August 5 that it is estimated that more than 80,000 tourists stay in Sanya.According to a notification on August 6, about 32,000 people in Sanya are staying at the hotel.According to the official requirements, after the seven -day risk inspection, the stranded tourists, that is, the first, second, three, five, and seven days of nucleic acid testing within seven days is negative, and after evaluation, they can be outdoor.Calculated by more than 80,000 tourists, except for 32,000 people who stayed in the hotel, what about the remaining 50,000 people?Regarding this doubt, the official did not answer, but in order to allow these people to place it in the hotel, it may also be out of the convenience of centralized management, and Sanya introduced measures such as half price in hotels to stay in the hotel.Liu Cheng, deputy director of the Hainan Provincial Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports Department, said that for hotels that have been receiving staying tourists, they will continue to live at 50 % off at the original price of the original place within seven days from August 6, and contain three meals.Beloed by the tourists; if the tourists choose not to continue to stay in the hotel, they will choose from the list of hotels in the area. Starting from seven days from August 6, the price of the same room will be determined at the 50 % discount of the original price.At the same time, the transfer of hotel tourists is responsible for dispatching vehicle guarantees.As for the hotel's reflection of 50 % off prices is not enough to support costs, Liu Cheng emphasized that the official will give subsidies.However, this measure obviously did not completely respond to the hotel industry.There are tourists who are stranded in Sanya to complain on the Internet that local hotels still charge renewal costs at the store price, and some hotels sit on the ground to start the price and want to take a while to take a "epidemic wealth".The most discussed among them is the news that has been making up in Chinese social media in the past two days: a family of 13 to seven -day spend of Sanya for 13 (RMB, the same below, about 36,000 yuan).According to reports, the family came from Chengdu, Sichuan to Sanya for a vacation at the end of last month.Later, due to the development of the epidemic, they decided to leave Sanya early last Saturday (6th), but it was too late. The flights traveled in Hainan had almost canceled.

Fundamental hotels worldwideBrand Mandarin Oriental, a hotel in Sanya, Hainan Island.The picture shows a suite of Mandarin Oriental at Sanya Hotel.(Internet)

According to the news that they stay in five rooms in 13, although house prices are charged by the government's regulations, that is, the price of half -price booked price before, but only breakfast, lunch and dinner mustAt your own expense, and the cost is as high as 700 yuan.A number of Chinese media reported on August 8 that the parties have denied this that this is a rumor: "It costs 180,000 yuan, it is too scary!" The party also said, "The standard for 700 yuan per meal per meal" isDifferent restaurants in the hotel can choose different standards. "It is not to say that we must eat 700 yuan a meal every day."The implication is that the hotel does have 700 yuan a meal, but there are other lower fees.The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, which was involved in this storm, also jumped out to confirm the charge, but emphasized that this was just the cost of a restaurant buffet in the hotel, and "the guests involved only used meals in this restaurant."In any case, the incident finally came to an end in many parties, and the people on the Internet also disappeared.However, more people are because of thisStart paying attention to a topic: In the face of the normalization of the epidemic, how should the tourist city do a good job of epidemic prevention?

The people of Sanya, Hainan August 6thLine up on a local street to prepare for nucleic acid testing.(Reuters)

In response, Huang Senzhong, a professor at the School of Statistics and Data Science, Tianjin Nankai University, gave suggestions.He told China News Weekly that he should carefully check the nucleic acid test negative proof of tourists daily, and can consider the expansion of the nucleic acid detection point in the city to prevent epidemic prevention.However, most of the economic conditions of tourist cities are relatively limited and may not be able to carry the investment and construction of a large number of nucleic acid detection points.Taking Sanya as an example, although this is a well -known tourist city, it is inevitable that it is unavoidable to build a nucleic acid detection point in all parts of the city in a short time.At present, the China State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism has sent the national working group to support Hainan, Guangdong, Shanghai, Sichuan and other provinces and cities also sent nucleic acid testing forces to support Sanya and other Hainan cities and counties.Jin Dongyan, a professor at the School of Biomedicine of the University of Hong Kong and a virus expert, suggested that now it can only achieve the best prevention and control effect through the minimum cost of prevention. It is more important to do a good job of "radar monitoring" in the community. For example, when there are foreign personnel, the community isIt is necessary to do a good job of reporting and registration, and conduct regular antigen and nucleic acid tests on high -risk returned personnel and key risks."At the beginning of the tourist city, it will appear to be" chaotic 'in response to the emergency epidemic, but it will not be "chaotic'." Wei Sheng, a professor of the Department of Popularity and Health Statistics of Tongji Medical College of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, to China News WeeklyIt is said that in general, tourist cities such as Sanya should have a plan to place tourists when they have an emergency, but it is unknown whether this plan has the ability to deal with the large -scale epidemic situation and it needs to be tested by practice.Wei Sheng also described that the plan is like a car engine. If you want to start, you need a process, including all resource allocation capabilities.However, in the eyes of the Hainan Island government, the "Sanya Rebellion" may be just an episode, because the really tricky is that many local cities have fallen into the whirlpool of the epidemic.According to statistics, Lingshui, Lingzhou, Wanning, Qionghai, and Haikou and other cities and counties have implemented static management in the region, involving at least half of the entire island.According to the news of the China Development and Reform Commission in May 2021, Hainan Island's permanent population exceeded 10 million, reaching 108,232.

Many tourists in Hainan on July 29th in HainanSanya Wuzhizhou Island floating on the sea of Wuzhizhou Island.(European Agency)

In 2021, Hainan received more than 81 million tourists, and tourism consumption rose to 25 billion yuan, a year -on -year increase of about 26%.This wave of almost the island is a hit for Hainan Island, which has long relying on tourism for a long time.But in the eyes of local officials, this activity seems to be more tight than the influence of the tourism industry.Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, hosted a special meeting of the provincial party committee to respond to the epidemic work leading group on August 6, emphasizing that it is necessary to maintain the state of war and fully win the battle against the epidemic prevention and control.This meeting also mentioned that Hainan is currently facing a severe test of epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to work together to carry out the political responsibility of overflowing overflowing and strengthen the risk investigation of overflowers.According to reports, this wave of epidemics in Hainan has spilling at least four provinces and cities such as Chongqing, Guangdong, Guizhou, and Hunan. It seems that even if the whole island is really blocked, the silent spread of the coronal virus has been unavoidable.