China Film and Television Giant Huayi Brothers announced on August 6 that recently received a report from Tencent's simplified rights change report.The transaction caused a change in the proportion of shares, and the shareholding ratio of the Huayi brothers decreased from 7.942441%to 4.999997%.

According to, specifically, Tencent reduced its holdings of 53.933 million shares of Huayi Brothers' shares through a large transaction method.If this is calculated, Tencent can cash out nearly 119 million yuan.Tencent also borrowed a small part of the shares held by the transfer, accounting for about 0.99%of the company's total share capital.In total, Tencent reduced the number of nearly 81.68 million shares, accounting for 2.94%of the total share capital of Huayi Brothers.

As of the end of the first quarter, Wang Zhongjun, the founder of Huayi Brothers, was the company's largest shareholder, with a shareholding ratio of 16.88%, and his brother Wang Zhonglei held 3.35%;4.47%, Jack Ma holds 3.6%, Ali Venture Capital and Ma Yun actively acting with 8.07%of the shares.After this reduction, Tencent is no longer a shareholder of Huayi Brothers more than 5%.

Under the influence of regulatory and slowing growth, Tencent itself is also at a critical stage of strategic adjustment, and restructuring external investment based on the new market environment.In addition to Huayi Brothers, Tencent has recently reduced a number of companies that have invested in a number of investment for nearly ten years.In January, Tencent reduced the Donghai Group, known as the "Southeast Asian Tencent", and cash nearly $ 3 billion. In April, Tencent's reduction was high, and the shareholding ratio also dropped to less than 5%.In June, after New Oriental's stock price rose through the live stock price, Tencent sold most of the holdings, cash more than 600 million yuan. said that film and television companies are already a low -valuation sector in China. Under the influence of regulatory impact and online viewing of the epidemic, the risks have intensified.Huayi brothers' performance is not optimistic, and the stock price is sluggish. It is currently hovering at a historical low of about 2.5 yuan per share. The company's market value is nearly 7 billion yuan.

Before Tencent's capital injection of Huayi brothers, the company's largest external shareholder was Alibaba.In May 2011, Tencent took over 27.8 million companies' shares of the five shareholders of Ma Yun, Yu Feng, Jiangnanchun, Gao Min, and Wang Yulian with a consideration of 446 million yuan.The company's fourth largest shareholder, second only to Jack Ma.

Since then, Internet companies have intended to comprehensively enter the film and television industry from the upstream content end and downstream terminals. For their own ecological layout, the Huayi Brothers has received a note of Tencent as the leading film company at that time.In November 2014, Huayi Brothers introduced nearly 1.3 billion yuan of investment in Tencent in the form of directed additional issuance. Tencent held nearly 8.08%of the shares of the company and became the second largest shareholder of Huayi Brothers.Huayi Brothers Stock.

The outbreak of the crown disease in 2020, the film industry has been hit hard, and the Huayi brothers who have lost two years have thrown out the financing plan.In April 2020, listed companies intend to issue shares from old shareholders such as Ali, Tencent, and raised funds of no more than 2.29 billion yuan for supplementary funds and repayment of loans.But this plan was suspended after several rounds of inquiries.