In response to the controversial visit to Taiwan, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi, the official media of Mainland China News Agency issued a document on Saturday (August 6) to list the six crimes of Pelosi, including rejection, trampling the rule of law, destroying peace, interfering in the internal affairs, political manipulation, political manipulationAnd to conspire for personality and emphasize that she will be tried and liquidated by historical fairness.

This article of more than 3,000 words first accused Peros of Pelosi, and criticized her to visit Taiwan to seriously violate the commitment of the United States in the three joint communiqués of China and the United States."As a country, there can only be one foreign policy. As a part of the US House of Representatives, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress should strictly abide by a Chinese policy of the US government and not to conduct any official exchanges with Taiwan."

The article went on to say that Pelosi is the third American president who is second in the United States and secondary to the Vice President. It has a high degree of political sensitivity in any form of any form.The major political provocations of the official interaction of the United States and Taiwan are all abandoned the political commitments of the United States.

The article also refers to Perlis's visit to Taiwan to destroy peace, and believe that this is the latest example of the United States' indulgence to support the "Taiwan independence" division forces. The United States should have to take full responsibility for this.At the same time, during her visit to Taiwan, she was discredited by China, Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang, religion and other issues, which not only reflected her consistent anti -China position, but also interfered in China's internal affairs.

"Pelossea turned a blind eye about the problems of the United States in the United States.The ugly face. No matter how she shows the show, it will eventually be a bamboo basket and water, and will only leave more ugly records in the history of the United States. "

At the end of the articleIt is emphasized that the US midterm elections are approaching, the Democratic Party is in a downturn, and the Democratic Party's Pelosi tried to use the "Taiwan card" to obtain "political bonus", leaving the so -called political heritage.However, these achievements are "personal, symbolic, short -term", and serious consequences and effects such as the tightness of the regional security situation are long -term, and the damage to the relations between China and the United States is far -reaching.

Pelosi visited Taiwan on Tuesday (2) in Beijing.Subsequently, in addition to taking large -scale military training in the Taiwan Strait in response to the response, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced on Friday (5th) that the suspension and cancellation of the eight communication mechanisms and cooperation in the fields of military, judicial, climate change and other fieldsAnd Pelosi and its direct relatives take sanctions.