Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday local time (August 5) that China has never changed its claims, has not adjusted the scope of claims, and there is no excessive skeptical.Wang Yi pointed out that the biggest risk that currently affects the peace and stability of the South China Sea is the improper intervention and frequent interference of the major countries outside the territory.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Yi said at the Pioneer of the 12th East Asian Summit at Phnom Penh that China ’s position on the South China Sea issue has sufficient historical and legal basis.China has never changed its claims, nor does it adjust the scope of claims, and there is no excessive loud cursor.China and the Asians of the Asians insist on disagreement through bilateral negotiations and negotiating in accordance with the behavior of all parties in the South China Sea.Over the years, Tongya Jian'an countries have maintained the overall stability of the South China Sea, and provided a stable development environment for their respective development revitalization.

Wang Yi said that the biggest risk that currently affects the peace and stability of the South China Sea is precisely the improper intervention and frequent interference of the major countries outside the territory.For a long time, the United States has not put forward any objections to China's sovereignty and rights and interests in the South China Sea, saying that it does not hold a position on the sovereignty of the South China Island Reef., Legal and axioms can't stand.

Wang Yi asked, so that according to his own political needs, he randomly changed the existing policies. What is the reputation of the great power?How to get trust in the future?He said that in recent years, more and more US ships have frequently appeared in the South China Sea and Air, and China and the South China Sea can not help asking. What exactly does the United States do?Families from foreign countries should abide by their duties and effectively respect the efforts of regional countries to maintain the stability of the South China Sea and Ping.

Wang Yi also said that China Tongya's detailed country is accelerating the "South China Sea Conduct" consultation, which will achieve an upgraded version of the declaration and achieve practical and effective regional rules.