Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Wang Yi, met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Friday (August 5), emphasizing that it is necessary to maintain the true order based on the principle of the UN Charter's purpose and oppose the false order of domineering domineering.

According to the news released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Saturday, Wang Yi should meet with Raferov during the attendance of the East Asian Cooperation Series in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Friday local time.The two sides agreed to maintain strategic coordination and deepen pragmatic cooperation.

Wang Yi first expounded the position of mainland China on Taiwan, and appreciated Russia to reiterate the firm support of the "one China" principle, oppose any act of infringing China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.Russian strategic collaboration high level.He said that China is willing to maintain Russia to maintain a more powerful international system with the United Nations and international order based on international law, and to achieve long -lasting security and sustainable development.

Wang Yi said that under the current situation, China and Russia should jointly promote regional development and increase mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of national resistance, hygiene, interconnection, digital economy, and green and low -carbon development in the same region to create stabilityReliable regional industrial chain supply chain; support "Yajia'an Indian Prospects" adheres to independence and autonomy; guide regional countries to adhere to the true security of "common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable"."All Road Construction and Eurasian Economic Union cooperate together to form a joint force with the" Great Eurasian Partnership "initiative.

According to the Chinese press release, Raferov said that the United States has always been overbearing, and its hegemony policy runs counter to the international community consensus, destined to have no future.Russia is willing to maintain the purpose and principles of international law and the UN Charter together with China.

The two sides also exchanged views on international regional issues such as BRICS cooperation, Iran nuclear, and the situation of the Korean Peninsula.