China Resort Sanya City Sanya City, Sanya City, Hainan Province on Thursday (August 4) from 12 to 24:00, 74 newly confirmed cases and 33 asymptomatic infections.Since Friday, Sanya's high -risk areas have been adjusted to 52, and medium -risk areas have been adjusted to 33.

Comprehensive "Sanya Release", CCTV News and China News Network reports that since August 1, Sanya has accumulated a total of 146 confirmed cases and 34 asymptomatic infected infected.Many local scenic spots have issued a suspension of business notice, Sanya Longwan International Rose Valley, Tianya Haijiao Tour District, Linchunling Forest Park, Sanya Rice National Park, Yalong Bay Tropical Forest and other scenic spots and tourist areas have been suspended from Thursday to resume business hours for specific restoration timeNotice.

It is reported that scenic spots such as Sanya Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area, large and small Dongtian Tourism Zone, Eternal Scenic Area, Haichang Fantasy Night City have also issued a suspension of business notice a few days ago.

Sanya is a famous resort in China.In July of this year, the epidemic in many places in China became stable. After the summer operation was opened, as of July 22, the cumulative passenger throughput of Sanya Airport exceeded 1 million.Essence

Since the epidemic in this round, Sanya has conducted centralized investigations on closed places such as KTV and bars in the city, requiring strictly implementing the prevention and control requirements of "suspension of business".

In addition, Sanya launched a specialized mechanism for the special class of the tourism accommodation industry to properly do the order withdrawal work caused by non -resistance factors such as epidemics, simplifying the withdrawal process, and improving the refund efficiency.There is a new high -risk zone in Yiwu, which has the title of "Small Commodity Capital" in Zhejiang Province, and has been suspended for three days in the city.

According to Zhejiang News, at 9:00 to 21:00 on August 4th from August 4th, 25 cases were added to the first -sized positive personnel and were reviewed as positive.From 21:00 on August 4th to 9:00 on August 5th, 40 newly sieve positive personnel were added in Yiwu City, which was positive after review.

Since the epidemic in this round, Yiwu City has reported a total of 135 patients with positive infected local coronary virus, of which 21 were confirmed cases and 114 asymptomatic infections.