(Taipei Comprehensive News) The Chinese PLA drone flew across Golden Gate for the first time on Wednesday (August 3) in the evening.

Comprehensive China Shishi News Network and Reuters reported that the Taiwan Army Golden Gate Defense Headquarters reported on Thursday that unknown aircrafts were found over the sky on Wednesday evening in Kinmen and Beiyi.

The report said that the Taiwanese troops were driven away from the operating procedure shooting signal bombs and kept alertness and implementation of hidden cover.

Zhang Rongshun, director of political warfare in the headquarters, pointed out that the two drones flew over the Golden Gate at 9 pm and 10:00 on Wednesday. I believe that I was collecting information about Taiwan's deployment on outlying islands.

Zhang Rongshun said that the use of joint intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance methods in Kinmen Defense Area can fully grasp the surrounding dynamics, and the camouflage of camps, facilities and positions can be implemented in accordance with regulations.

This is the first time that Kinmen flew over the first time that the People's Liberation Army had dispatched drones over Matsu on July 28th.

According to the Taiwan Strait Airspace Dynamic Dynamics released by the Taiwan Ministry of Defense on Wednesday, there were 27 PLA military aircraft on the Taiwan Strait Airspace, of which 22 crossed the strait midline.Perlus arrived in Taipei on Tuesday (August 2) to start a 19 -hour visit to Taiwan.A series of joint military operations began in Taiwan on Tuesday night on Tuesday night.