

Double Festive

GDP of Chongqing region (GDP) surpassed Guangzhou again after two years, and regained the position of China's GDP fourth city in the first half of this year.The attention of public opinion has also followed the fourth fourth battle of the GDP, which has been in the fourth victory, and evaluating whether Shancheng's overtaking Huacheng economy is still a flash of flowers, or it may consolidate the long -term trend.

As an old -fashioned industrial city in the West, Chongqing was ranked third in China GDP in 1990, but was quickly replaced by Guangzhou the following year and went down all the way.The lowest ranking.

Huang Qifan was in charge of Chongqing's economy, and Shacheng Lixianshi took pictures to implement large -scale industrial transfer to build the largest laptop production base in Asia and the world. At the same time, the China -Europe trains integrated into the "Belt and Road", and the ranking only improved.After surpassing Suzhou and Tianjin in 2014 and 2017, Chongqing began to settle in the fifth city of China's GDP.

After the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020, the GDP of Chongqing in the first half of the year was nearly 24.2 billion yuan (RMB, the same, nearly 5 billion yuan), rising to the fourth country in the country.However, with the acceleration of the epidemic control and the resumption of production and resumption of production, Chongqing failed to maintain a growth momentum higher than Guangzhou in the second half of the year, and eventually missed the whole year after 30 years of GDP overtake Guangzhou.

In the year after

, whether Chongqing continued to follow Guangzhou in the first half of the year and the whole year, the gap between the backwardness was not significant.However, Chongqing ’s industrial added value over the year exceeded Guangzhou and ranked fourth in the country. It has once again bury the foreshadowing for the total GDP in the first half of this year.

According to the data calculation released by the Chongqing Statistics Department, Chongqing's GDP in the first half of this year, GDP overtakes Guangzhou with a weak advantage of 7.8 billion yuan.City dispute.

It is worth noting that in the first half of this year, it was obviously disturbing the local economy due to the epidemic, which prompted the GDP rankings to repeat the reshuffle of the first half of the year.

As a province with the most migrant population, when the epidemic of Guangdong was coming early the previous year, the Economic Institute's heavily created is second only to Hubei, and the provincial capital Guangzhou's economy has also slowed significantly.When the Guangzhou Statistics Bureau released the latest economic data on Tuesday (July 26), the economic data in the second quarter admitted that the economy in the second quarter ushered in multiple tests such as local epidemic disturbances and poor supply chains.The direct impact of the Kuron epidemic may be no less than the beginning of the year.

As one of the pillars of Guangzhou Foreign Trade, the China Import and Export Commodity Fair (Canton Fair), the epidemic has also been suspended from several degrees, affecting export transaction volume to a certain extent.Data show that the foreign trade imports and exports in Guangzhou fell by 5.7 % in the first half of this year, of which exports plummeted by 12.2 %.In contrast, Chongqing's imports and exports in the same period rose 12.5 %.

Yang Hongyi, deputy director of Chongqing Statistics Bureau, evaluated last Tuesday. Although the Chongqing economy has been under the influence of unfavorable factors such as the epidemic situation this year, it still stabilizes the macroeconomic market.Half -year economy has been accelerated because of avoiding local epidemic troubles.

Not only that, the Western China International Investment and Trade Fair (Western Conference) still held an offline annual meeting in Chongqing last week, comparing it with the offline stop office.

At the Western Conference, Chongqing has concentratedly signed 66 major projects with an investment amount of nearly 222.9 billion yuan. It involves intelligent manufacturing, biopharmaceuticals, new energy and other fields.

Forbes also released the latest "China Consumer Vitality City List" at the Western Conference. Among them, Chongqing ranked third among the 20 cities selected and ranked fourth in Guangzhou.Forbes China editor -in -chief Chen Fengfeng evaluated that Chongqing's ranking benefits from accelerating the cultivation of international consumer center cities that have radiated the west and facing the world.

This shows that the central government has continued to release policy dividends in the past two years, and has gradually produced the expansion of Chongqing's expansion and opening up.Compared with Guangzhou, which is a policy depression, Chongqing has won a series of policy blessings in the past few years, including Luhai New Channel, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and Chengdu -Chongqing Economic Circle.

Chen Minle, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee last Tuesday (July 19). The current economic fundamentals of Chongqing have continued to improve, but the foundation of the stable economic operation is still not firm enough.He requires stabilizing the industrial chain supply chain, market entity, business consumption, import and export, while cultivating and strengthening new economic growth points, including promoting the development of the new energy vehicle industry to run out of speed and consolidating new advantages in the automotive industry.

Although the gathering policies, population, industry and other advantages, Chongqing Stone Guangzhou GDP has not yet set.The epidemic has recently erupted in several districts and counties in Shancheng, and it still brings uncertainty to the fourth fighter battle of the GDP.

Chen Miner scheduled the epidemic prevention work on Monday to describe the severe prevention and control situation in Chongqing. It requires controlling the epidemic in the minimum range and the shortest time, minimizing the impact of epidemic situation on economic and social development.Live and economy must be stable. "

As China continues to adhere to the zero policy, in the future, it is believed that the epidemic rebound or the scale will still be the biggest variable of the local economic growth rate.In the long run, the dispute between Chongqing and Guangzhou will be more successful in the city's industrial transformation, more reasonable layout of emerging industries, stronger opening up to the outside world, and stronger attractiveness to talents.In the end, it was difficult to say who did the deer.