(Beijing Comprehensive News) According to Chinese official media quoted high -level health officials, China's population growth has slowed significantly, and it is expected to shrink by 2025.

The China National Health and Health Commission announced on July 12th 2021 China Health and Health Development Statistics Statistics. It shows that the birth of 10.62 million in 2021, of which two children accounted for 41.4%, three children and above accounted for 14.5%of 14.5%.EssenceCompared with 2020, the population or two -child proportion has decreased.According to reports on Monday (25th), of the 29 provinces and cities that have been released in 2021, 10 provinces and cities with the largest population are Guangdong, Henan, Shandong, Sichuan, Hebei, Anhui, Guangxi, Guangxi,, Jiangsu, Hunan and Guizhou, only the first six provinces have a population of more than 500,000.

Global Times pointed out that the number of births in Hunan Province has dropped below 500,000, the first time in the past 60 years.It is reported that there are only more than 1 million new students in Guangdong Province.

Many young people choose not to give birth due to high cost and work pressure.

China is trying to reverse the rapid shrinking of natural growth.Many young people choose not to have children due to high cost and work pressure.

The Global Times quoted the population of the National Health and Health Commission of China Yang Wenzhuang, and the Chinese population is expected to shrink from 2021 to 2025.

Last year, China amended the law and allowed women to have three children, but it was not available.Many women say that this change is too late, and they have not obtained enough work guarantee and gender equality.