image source, British media/getty images Desirée, who is named "Wild Mother", lives in the mountains of Colorado, Colorado, USA. She posted a video about health and raising her little daughter to 80,000 fans online.She hopes Trump to win the presidential election.

In the suburbs of Denver, 70 miles (about 110 kilometers) north, Camille is a citizen who enthusiastically supports race and gender. She has lived with a group of rescued dogs.Support the Democratic Party.

The political claims of the two ladies are different, but they believe that the recent two attempt assassinations of Trump have been intentionally planned by himself.

They all said that they were affected by various posts pushed by social media in July and this month.

I visited Colorado to produce the first episode of British Broadcasting Station for British Broadcasting Station.This place became a hotbed of conspiracy theory in the general election results in 2020.I tried to understand why there is no evidence about the two stabbing planning theories that can be widely spread in various political spectrums, and how this impact has this impact on people such as Camille and "Crazy Mom".

I found dozens of unsecured posts on social media "X", suggesting that both events are planned.These posts have been viewed more than 30 million times.Some of these posts come from the anti -Trump account. In the past, it seemed that there was no record of such discussions, but one of them actually came from Trump's supporters.

For Democratic Camille, the Trump team carefully arranged all this in order to improve his chance of winning.

"Crazy Mom" ​​is a follower of "anonymous QANON) extremely right -wing conspiracy theory. This kind of theory that has no basis claims that Trump is involved in a childhood gang against Satan.war."Crazy Mom" ​​tends to believe that Trump's own team has planned assassination, the purpose is to crack down on the imaginary enemy from the "Deep State".

The "Shadow Government" is accused of being a shadow alliance that exists in the field of security and intelligence, the goal is to slander some politicians.

No evidence can confirm the theory of the two ladies mentioned above.

The statement of the news of the news of the news was used to control democracy to control democracy.It is a typical conspiracy theory."Crazy Mom" ​​said that he is not unfamiliar with this kind of thinking.

Camille said that this is the first time that he has used the word "planning" to describe such news events.She has always believed that the new crown virus really exists, and is extremely opposed to the wrong statement of being manipulated by the results of the presidential election in 2020.

But when she saw Trump's assassination on TV on July 13, she immediately thought, "This is planned."

Trump poses a posture of taking pictures and raising his punch in the air, igniting Komir's suspicion.

She was confused about the US Special Service Agency that allowed such a shooting.Director of the special service has since stepped down because of this.

The 20 -year -old gunman was later killed by the Special Service Sniper.His stabbing motivation is still unknown, causing many questions to be unsolved.Camille's heart continued to fall into the sea.

I suspected that some things were unexpected before she turned to "X" to find the answer.A few years before the Bingzhou shooting case, she spent the time spent on social media increasing, interested in the anti -Democratic Party's anti -Trump account, and paid attention to some of these accounts.

"I want to admit that I have spent too much time on social media now, and I think this is a problem." She told me.

"X "'s push function" For You "has recently changed, which means that Camille has begun to see more accounts that he has not paid attention, but these are the same as her political view.Many of the accounts purchased the "Blue Hook" function, making the posts they posted appear in a more significant position.

Therefore, when the first incident occurred, the underlying planning theory was pushed directly to her. Because the information came from an account with the same political perspective as her political perspective, they seemed more convincing.

Most social media companies say they are about protecting users and reducing harmful content.The inquiry sent by the British media to "X" did not receive a reply.

"It's like watching magic"

"Crazy Mom" ​​also found the same kind in social media, and subscribed to thousands of accounts.This crowd is called "monster, dissidents, and unrefined jade."

We stood next to a waterfall in the town where her house was in a lottery. She talked about how she started to share the views of natural drugs and mother status from 2021.

Later, she began to publish some unreasonable theories, telling the story behind the news, such as the health of Princess Kate in the United Kingdom and the collapse of the Baltimore Bridge.The traffic and likes of her account began to increase.

She said that she has been obsessed with "alternative ideas about facts" since she was young, and believes that everyone in John F. Kennedy was assassinated, the "911" incident, and the new crown epidemic situation.Check.

During the epidemic, she spent more time on the Internet, and began to like Trump, and at the same time came into contact with the "Anonymous Q" movement.She believes that this movement is related to all events.As a mother, she is particularly concerned about the topics of her fans who abuse children and sell the population.

"In my life, I couldn't tolerate what these hearing happened under our eyelids. This would fight my soul. We must protect the most innocent (groups)." She said.

The supporters of "Anonymous Q" participated in the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.Now the "crazy mother" tends to believe in social media: The same group of people planned to assassinate Trump in July to a certain extent to form the "Deep State".

But she said that according to the post she saw, "the good man in the army", which is often said, launched a secret operation for the "shadow government".A theoretical push to her claims that the assassination in July was the threat they planned and used to show the public.

"Crazy Mom" ​​cannot determine the authenticity of the "Anonymous Q" theory, but she tends to believe it.

"I think our country needs to be rescued from the current government. It is too messy," she said.

Once the "Crazy Mom" ​​starts to question a news incident may be planned, everything may be promoted.

"Just like a child seeing a magic, the first time I found the magician manipulating. Now every time you see the magic, you know what they are doing." She told me.

Image source, reuters/martin county sheriff

Camille and "Crazy Mom" ​​both rely on social media. Their belief they follow are related to the breakdown of the relationship in the real world.

Camille found that it is difficult to communicate with family members who support Trump. "Crazy Mom" ​​said that this has caused himself to break up with his ex -husband who is extremely opposed to conspiracy theories.

"It has spawned difficulties? (In us) Planting a wedge? Maybe it is the reason for the end of my marriage? Perhaps." "Crazy mother" said.

At the same time, Camille found that she was in the argument on "X", which made her vigilant in the real world."Every time I leave the door, there will be a potential conflict, which is too scary."

The atmosphere of conflict and doubt not only affects the above two women, but also affects society.

Officials, election staff, and politicians in the United States found that they became the goal of hatred and threat theory. There was a belief in the society: everything, including the election, was manipulated and planned.

"Crazy Mom" ​​believes that people have maintained a good line between seeking justice and harmful behaviors.

"This is not to write to the senators and call them in the name of racism. If you really do research and discover problems, should you speak? Absolutely." She said.

"I think we all do this way. For them (conspiracy theorists), we just happen to harass others."

"Crazy Mom" ​​and Camille said that they have never threatened others, and their understanding and friendliness have moved me.But their social media pushed their confidence in society and existing agencies, and promoted mutual distrust.

Camille, who used to oppose conspiracy theories, now finds that he is using their language.

She seems to be in such a thinking -after the assassination of July, the social media algorithm drags everyone into a deeper online world, where it is completely disconnected from the real world.