According to the "Pu'er Release" in Yunnan, at 9 am on September 20, the defendant Wang Mianyi was officially began in the Pu'er Simao District People's Court.Pu'er organized more than 90 party members and leading cadres in the city to attend the scene.

The Standing Committee of the Pu'er Municipal Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the members of the leaders of the CPPCC, and the relevant leaders of the Municipal Central Court and the Municipal Procuratorate listened to the trial.

The public prosecution agency accused that the defendant Wang Mian was a staff member of the state organs, and used the convenience of duties to help others in terms of illegal construction and rectification of houses, affordable housing, and job transfer.The provisions of Article 385 of the Criminal Law of the Criminal Law shall be held criminally responsible for bribery.

The trial scene was solemn and solemn. Participants listened to the court's investigation, proof of proof, court debate and the defendant's statement.In the face of money, the principle of losing money, the bottom line of the Passover of the law, and eventually reduced from a national public official to a "prisoner" illegal and criminal process.At the end of the court trial, the defendant admitted his regrets as courts, made profound repentance, and warned the leaders of the leaders to learn the lessons of illegal crimes, strictly observed the party's political discipline and political rules, always tightening the string of integrity and self -discipline, and did not touch the "red line"., Do not get the "bottom line".

The relevant person in charge of the Pu'er Discipline Inspection Commission said that people are mirrors and gains and losses.Taking the case as a mirror, Zhengfeng Discipline.The main purpose of this listening is to wake up the "people around them" with "things around them"., I truly feel the majesty of the party discipline and state law and the pain of violations of laws and disciplines, and to alert party members and leading cadres to correctly use their power in the hands to achieve their duties in accordance with the law, to be honest and honest, and further enhance the administrative administration and integrity of party members in accordance with the law, and continue to create a clean and clear consciousness, and continue to create a clear and clear -to -clear consciousness.Good political ecology.

The day before the trial of Wang Mianyi, according to the news of the Pu'er Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Committee, a few days ago, with the approval of the Pu'er Municipal Party Committee, the Pu'er Discipline Inspection Commission's original secretary of the Mojiang County Party Committee and the former county head of the county people's governmentThe illegal issue was conducted for review and investigation.

Wang Mianyi

After investigation, Wang Mian lost his ideals and convictions, abandoned his original mission, lacks party spirit, lost his faith, violated political discipline and political rules, participated in the group guys, engaged in interest exchange, forged evidence to confront organizational review; violated the eight regulations of the central government;The spirit, acceptance of gifts and gifts that may affect fair execution of official duties, accept banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties, abuse subsidies and subsidies; violate the discipline of integrity and receive salary illegally; violate national laws and regulations, illegally set up "small vaults", negativeThere are major leadership responsibilities; use the convenience of duties to help others in terms of project construction and other aspects, and illegally accept the property given by others bribery, and the amount is particularly huge.

Wang Mian has seriously violated the party's political discipline, the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, the discipline of integrity, and national laws and regulations, which constitute a serious job violation and suspected bribery.After the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I still do n’t know. The nature is serious and the impact is bad. It should be dealt with seriously.According to the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the People's Republic of China Public Officer Government Affairs Law was discussed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China.The approval was decided to give Wang Mianyi to expel the party's sanction; the Pu'er Municipal Supervision Commission was given a public office;

On October 30, 2023, Wang Mian took the initiative to invest.

Public resumes show that Wang Mianyi, male, Hani, born in January 1977, was born in Erhai County, Yunnan Province, a postgraduate degree in the job, joined the work in August 1996, and joined the Communist Party of China in April 1999.

In his early years, Wang Mianyi worked in Kunming. Since 1996, he works in the Traffic Police Brigade of the Anning Public Security Bureau.Secretary's Eight Division Deputy Director, Deputy Director of the Kunming Housing Security Bureau, member of the Party Committee of the Kunming Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau, Director of the Kunming Housing Security Bureau, member of the Party Working Committee of Kunming High -tech Industrial Development Zone, Deputy Director of the High -tech Zone Management CommitteeWait.

In June 2021, he was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Mojiang Hani Autonomous County Party Committee and candidate for the county head. He was elected county chief in July and took the initiative to invest in the case.